Fan controller options
I installed Bazzite on my GPD winmax 2 (6800u version) and i need some sort of fan control. jupiter-fan-control is crashing so i was looking at using one of the available github projects for linux fan control on the winmax2, but both rely on dependencies that are not available with any of the package managers so i'm not able to use them. Would really appricate some guidance on what my options are.
13 Replies
What dependencies are missing?
Have you tried nbfc?
I did, i tried building locally but dependencies are missing (in my case it fails with "llect2: fatal error: cannot find ‘ld’" so i tried with distrobox. I deployed a default container and manually installed all the dependencies there, then built NBFC. I exported the binary but as it needs root to run i get sudo: nbfc: command not found, as the exported distrobox binary just seems to be available to non sudo
Maybe there's something i missed, i am completely new to bazzite and distrobox
If for you it is enough to have fan controls on steam deck mode, just use the powercontrol decky plugin
You can try the PowerControl plugin (note, it didn't work for me on Bazzite).
I did make a fork that has only the fan control part of the plugin, which still works:
I use the fork on my 6800u win 4
is what the fork looks like
Instead of exporting the binary, you could try simply running it on the host
Now that you've built it
Just copy it to a folder shared by the two
Like ~/usr/local/bin
Hi again, finally I switched too on the Bazzite train and I'm quite happy for that. Fan curve from original powercontrol works out from the box, so maybe it is device related. Btw I will bookmark your fork in case of issue.
Thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for. Will try it your fork when I get home from work.
I even had all this typed out before I searched for fan control on here:
Edit: I see you already have a install script on your fork. Very nice! Could also be a nice addition to have as a
command together or bedside the SimpleRyzenTDP onei'd hesitate to add a ujust for it since i built the fork purely for personally use, I had no intention of maintaining or updating it beyond minimally necessary for my win 4
Ah, I understand..
I won't bother you anymore about it if it doesn't work for my win4
well, if it doesn't work for your win 4, then it shouldn't work for my win 4 😅
so hopefully it works lol