confusing info
What does min-width :0; in this exemple really does, looks weird cause it's like including overflow-x :hidden; but instead bro really includes min-width which make no sense thou 🤔

10 Replies
It appears that until css3 that it was set to 0 by default.
A measurement of 0 without a unit type would normally be considered an invalid unit. I'm unsure how it works and am on my phone so can't check if it is invalid or not 🤷
Auto is allowing the browsers opinionated widths to be used.
I hate browser inconsistencies ...
Imagine just a card with an overflow-x to right (ex:text) that's what do min-width used for we already have such of three props that solve the problem but As a simple solution this man said that min-width works well 👍 i didn't understand that but seems interesting 😉
Have a look :
Here's the difference with or without including min-width even if flex-shrink is set to 1 the browser override that for some reason 😄

Yup I've just read the article and seen the YT video also
Does this make sense thou 🤔
After reading how css treats "0" it does.
It's a valid measurement. And it removes the auto that the browser was using previously (which prevents those min width overflow shenanigans)
But why does the flex-shrink doesn't work in this case 🤔
Flex shrink won't shrink past/override the auto min
like Carl said,
doesn't mean "it can get to zero", it means "it can get to as small as it's allowed to get".
By default, flex items will behave a lot like fit-content
, in that they'll shink as small as the smallest bit of content inside of them. By default, it doesn't want to cause overflow through shrinking.
Inputs are a little strange, because they aren't like regular content, like text. They come with a default size on them, essentially, so the shrink stops when it hits that size.
This is why I prefer grid for forms 😄 The input will match the size of the column. Here's a very simple demo of what I mean: i got the point that's interesting 🥸