Node 21.6.0 fails to setup tools

Node 21.6.0 (current) came out today and it detects the right versions, but partially fails.
16:22:00.366 Using v2 root directory strategy
16:22:00.393 Success: Finished cloning repository files
16:22:01.063 Restoring from dependencies cache
16:22:01.083 Restoring from build output cache
16:22:02.515 Detected the following tools from environment: [email protected]
16:22:02.516 , [email protected]
16:22:02.516 Installing nodejs v21.6.0
16:22:03.145 Trying to update node-build... ok
16:22:03.183 node-build: definition not found: 21.6.0
16:22:03.191 Error: Exit with error code: 1
16:22:03.191 at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/snapshot/dist/run-build.js)
16:22:03.191 at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:652:26)
16:22:03.191 at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:537:28)
16:22:03.192 at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:291:12)
16:22:03.205 Failed: build command exited with code: 1
16:22:04.204 Failed: error occurred while running build command
16:22:00.366 Using v2 root directory strategy
16:22:00.393 Success: Finished cloning repository files
16:22:01.063 Restoring from dependencies cache
16:22:01.083 Restoring from build output cache
16:22:02.515 Detected the following tools from environment: [email protected]
16:22:02.516 , [email protected]
16:22:02.516 Installing nodejs v21.6.0
16:22:03.145 Trying to update node-build... ok
16:22:03.183 node-build: definition not found: 21.6.0
16:22:03.191 Error: Exit with error code: 1
16:22:03.191 at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/snapshot/dist/run-build.js)
16:22:03.191 at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:652:26)
16:22:03.191 at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:537:28)
16:22:03.192 at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:291:12)
16:22:03.205 Failed: build command exited with code: 1
16:22:04.204 Failed: error occurred while running build command
Deployment ids: 8e5502aa-8c49-4adf-916f-02b29dc11c18 31889ded-1704-4e14-8a5d-9ea28dbf85bd 317040d7-6a17-48d5-b65b-21e7b3c695d3 c6ffcd4d-153b-4795-b31d-efc185dcdbf7 (all same error, but more for ocntext)
1 Reply
VictorOP14mo ago
Ok, builds today running the same node version work. Must of been a too soon™️ issue

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