Not receiving video signal
Shortly after booting up and logging into my PC it sends me back to the log in screen but every time that I want to log in again it stops sending a video signal to my screen. I don't really have any experience with Linux so I also don't have an idea what might cause this issue. It's super frustrating because it makes my PC unstable most of the time. I hope someone can help me
49 Replies
@RealDishwash has this fixed for you?
i would try logging in with x11 for now
and see if that fixes it
can change it from wayland to X11 in the login screen (usually towards the bottom)
Yeah no it's still happening occasionally
have you tried my solution above?
switching to X11 in the login screen
I'll try it soon
yeah if it works, it's a workaround and i think this needs to be investigated
It seems to have stopped for me today
Try "rpm-ostree upgrade" and "systemctl reboot" and see if it's gone after updating?
My image got updated twice and this stopped happening
Should I just type it into the command bar? (I'm sure that's not it's name)
Type those into the program called konsole
Yeah that's the one I meant
I'll try it out later
It stopped working before I could even type out the command
Solving this will be fun
I just managed to type out both
Now we'll have to see
I'll tell if I'm encountering it again sometime soon
Seems to be fine for now, thanks!
Okay it seems like it's not fine
It's still behaving like this
and this is on 
and both of you are on nvidia 
im on a 5700xt, haven't had the issue for a few days now
I am at least
I can check for updates
This is just driving me crazy
Out of 15 attempts it didn't "crash" one time
I don't think I will keep using this system
It's just unusable
Maybe try ublue kinoite?
Does it include Proton?
steam does
proton is not bazzite exclusive lol
or only available in certain distros. steam for linux includes it. they said try rebasing to kinoite from bazzite to see if that fixes the issue. although unless you rebase to a universal blue image, you will lose nvidia drivers
bizarre issue though
i can't reproduce it on my desktop
journalctl -b
in a host terminal next time this happens and you can boot into a desktopDid you try switching to x11 btw?
Doing this
But afaik you should be defaulting to x11 since you have nvidia
Yep but I always just end up getting a blackscreen
But in Wayland you're going to get an epileptic seizure
Because of all this flickering
thats nvidia drivers and wayland
Which might actually be something that should get mentioned on the website just in case
wait is this happening in applications?
lets say like discord
or other electron applications
thats nvidia + wayland
In all kinds of applications
that happens on any other linux distro with the newest nvidia drivers on wayland
That's problematic cuz I can't switch to anything else
So I probably have to go back to Windows
nvidia the only GPU company who has their drives closed source while AMD/Intel open source
there is now a reverse engineer effort to have open source nvidia drivers
that will be here soon but game performance is going to take a hit since they're still early
we plan to have a
command to switch between the closed source drivers and these new open source vulkan onesBefore you go back, I'd try rebasing go kinoite NVIDIA
I have no idea what that means
rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image-signed:docker://
Could you please elaborate?
in terminal
wait a while
you are now on universal blue's kinoite image with nvidia drivers
bazzite stuff is now gone
which means no more layered steam
and other stuff
it's another OS basically
but you keep your userdata
How can it improve my situation?
it helps knowing if there's something in bazzite causing this or it's upstream or your hardware does not like linux or OSTree/OCI
Oh alright
you can always rebase back to bazzite-nvidia
rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image-signed:docker://
to get backI'll try it out tomorrow and let you know
Do I have to do anything after typing that in?
Cuz it tells me it needs some custom layers
Now my Steam is gone
bazzite has steam layered, base kinoite does not
Ah alright
I just started up a PS2 emulator and it seems as if all of the flickering and lagging is gone
flickering? Were you using Wayland rather than X11?
Yeah because X11 just resulted in a blackscreen
Which meant I couldn't use it
Wayland will always flicker on Nvidia, X11 is what must be fixed in your case
be good to get some logs
That's a little hard to fix because I can't use the console
What does this do?
switches you to a tty so you have a console
What's a tty?
command line
it's a terminal for users who cannot login to the desktop environment
i guess he left Linux, poor guy...
Must have been an issue with the MOK-key, that had problems in that time...
I just had this issue again on a fresh reinstall of bazzite
I logged in, was logged out and then the screen went black upon logging in again
Seems to have stopped now tho