Expose RDP with CLI

I have made this cloudflare tunnel called RDP that is managed via CLI the config URL is "url: rdp://". The problem is when I run it and I try to connect to it via windows RDP it doesnt work, does someone know what may be wrong?
16 Replies
Chaika14mo ago
how are you trying to connect? You need to use cloudflared access locally if you're trying to do it that way: https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-networks/use-cases/rdp/#connect-to-rdp-server-with-cloudflared-access
RDP · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) provides a graphical interface for users to connect to a computer remotely. RDP is most commonly used to facilitate …
TuinboonOP14mo ago
So I wouldnt be able to connect to the tunnel via an iPad with microsoft RD?
Chaika14mo ago
There's the first option in that tutorial for using Private Networking and WARP, it's a bit more difficult to setup, but it should work as long as you can install WARP on the iPad and be connected to the WARP VPN logged into your Zero Trust Team (you'd need to keep the warp vpn on to be able to connect)
TuinboonOP14mo ago
Ill try that ty It says to log in to your team I have never heard of a team in cloudflare
Chaika14mo ago
it's your zero trust team / your zero trust account If you don't know what it is, in the Zero Trust dashboard you can find it under Settings -> Custom Pages -> Team Domain
Chaika14mo ago
Cloudflare One
Cloudflare One replaces legacy security perimeters with our global edge, making the Internet faster and safer for teams around the world.
TuinboonOP14mo ago
I have now installed the Cloudflare One Agent app and configured the tunnel as an app but I still cant seem to connect.
Chaika14mo ago
Not sure what you mean by "the tunnel as an app" but there's more steps in that with adding the private network range, including it in the tunnel, etc, everything under
Connect to RDP server with WARP to Tunnel
TuinboonOP14mo ago
I added my iPad's ip to the include list and what I meant with "the tunnel as an app" is that I added an application under access
Chaika14mo ago
you'd add the server's internal/private IP to it, not your IPad's an application would be for cloudflared access, you don't need one for private networking maybe there's a better tutorial
TuinboonOP14mo ago
so this one?
TuinboonOP14mo ago
RDP · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
The Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) provides a graphical interface for users to connect to a computer remotely. RDP is most commonly used to facilitate …
Chaika14mo ago
That's for using cloudflared access CLI, which you can't if you want to use it with IPads the first option in that tutorial "Connect to RDP server with WARP to Tunnel" is the Private Networking one
Chaika14mo ago
https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-networks/private-net/cloudflared/ There's this tutorial as well but it's not specific to RDP, just generic Private Networking
Connect private networks · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
A private network has two primary components: the server and the client. The server’s infrastructure (whether that is a single application, multiple …
TuinboonOP14mo ago
I tried but its still not working what I did is set up a tunnel and connect it to an application under access added a firewall policy etc. I ran the tunnel on my host but when I turn on the Cloudflare One app and try to RDP it doesnt work
Acе14mo ago
You need to use Zero Trust (WARP) not Cloudflare One Oh no way I didn’t know 😂 I thought One was the free version

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