Typebot8mo ago

Google Sheet integration breaks if GS gets further than Z row

I need to send more than 30 answers / information from Typebot to GS, and when i created the new row AA (after Z), the sheet disapeared from my list. So i cannot add new answers past Z, and all previous connexions got disconneted and i cannot add this sheet again: it disapeard from the list of available sheets. Is this a Google limitation or something you can adjust on your side ? When i remove the additionnal row after Z, the sheet becomes available again Update: after removing rows after Z, i cannot edit the google sheet integration anymore, see https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vg71lslmin2wk1n68iw0x/Typebot-savonette.mov?rlkey=6tbyw39oi3di58wzqzadsxt93&dl=0 Thanks @Baptiste for your help !
Typebot savonette.mov
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9 Replies
Baptiste8mo ago
You are trying to edit a bot in the Results page, you shouldn't be able to. Make sure to navigate to the "Flow" tab first I'm confused though because you shouldn't even be able to open the Google Sheets settings in the Analytics graph
Ulrich8mo ago
Ah yes, my bad, so that explain this closing of the setting. So this is soved. But what about the limitation beyond Z ? Is there a way to add more rows without disconnecting the sheet from the integration ?
Baptiste8mo ago
I'll try to reproduce now Managed to reproduce. Checking how I can fix it. Actually that was because I had 2 columns with the same header. Are you sure it's not the same issue case with your spreadsheet? Can you provide a copy of your spreadsheet so that I try to reproduce?
Ulrich8mo ago
Google Docs
Typebot réponses Dilemme Plastique
Ingest Typebot frontly_id,Timestamp,Prénom,Nom,Enseignant et classe,Mange du plastique,Sources,Qui est Peter ? ,Vérification des sources,Monde idéal ?,Tonnes de plastique,Production annuelle,Proportion transformation,Bonne réponse,Autre moyen,Pourcentage recyclage,Plastique incinéré,Les expéditions
Ulrich8mo ago
Just for you to know: i use https://frontly.ai/ to create a teacher portal, with the data gathered through GS
Frontly - Turn spreadsheets into business tools
Turn your Google Sheets into modern dashboards and internal business tools in minutes.
Ulrich8mo ago
So there are 2 apps that are interacting with that GS On inputing (Typebot) the other reading, but with relation to other related sheets in that GS file
Baptiste8mo ago
So I duplicated the spreadsheet to my Google Drive I've added a column (AA) to the "Ingest Typebot" sheet, I named it "test" And it works! Your sheet named "Ingest Typebot redux" though is not displayed because you have 2 columns with the same name "Slogan Polyvia"
Ulrich8mo ago
Thanks Baptiste. I reworked through all the mechanics, and what appeared is the somehow there is a memory for a column name in GS, because even if a name that was existing is not there anymore (deleted column or erased name), if you retype it exactly, it breaks everything. The only workaround (simple) is to use another name for a new column. But you have to know that... So it's a little trick to know when using GS: never use the same column name, even if the column with that name is not there anymore...
Mario Barretta
Mario Barretta8mo ago
true. Happened also to me. Happen also for variables that, for some reason, remain in memory so we need ever to create new filed's name.
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