@use instead of @import
So my dilemma is I used to import a _header.scss so it could have all the code for the nav in that area but how would I do something like that with @use since sass is trying to get away from @import 😉
12 Replies
kevin had a video on this not too long ago
basically if you want the same functionality of import and dont want to get into the nitty gritty of it, just chuck an as * at the end of the @use statement
Kevin Powell
Stop using @import with Sass | @use and @forward explained
Keep up to date with my Sass course: https://beyondcss.dev/?utm_campaign=OlderYouTubeVideos&utm_source=YouTube
The use of @import has been deprecated in Sass for quite a while now, but a lot of people still use it. In this video, I take a quick look at the replacements you should be using instead, @use and @forward. I just scratch the surface...
I was watching this and it does not do the same thing as @import. If I had @import my code inside my module file would be rendered. For instance, if I was importing the header, it will render it to the css so on my styles.scss you would see @import vs @use. When I use @import the header with the navigation css would be imported not just a color to use. so
If I had the whole nav section in the header coded in the headerFile it would render the whole thing. It does not do the same thing with
@use 'headerFIle';
. I would actually have to do the styling in the style.scss and I can only use it if I needed something for it. Like if I had @use 'colorfile';
and in the code do something like body{color: colorfile.$text-color;}
but it will not render any code that might be inside the colorfile or headerfile. I would prefer my @import in certain cases like what I wrote there
I was literally watching this video to see if there was a more something like an import to use
if you use @use it will render the partials
yes but only the part of the partials you use in the other scss file
@use as *
if you dont do that, then yes you have namespaces and the option to limit what is being imported
otherwise as I said earlier, if you just want the same functionality, use the as * and you get it
what I am trying to say, is when I use
@import I can get all this with it
then my styles.scss can look like
and all that header information will be inside the style.scss file when rendered
is this no longer possible am I doing things wrong
how are you typing out the @use ?
this is the current styles.scss I have in my personal project which I can assure you is compiling all of the scss and I get a mapped and built css file
@use 'base';
@use 'layout';
@use 'utils';
@use 'components';
I am an idiot it was not working because I was not even importing it lmao
to do this I am creating a barrel inside of each of the folders though
rather than having to declare @use for each and every single one of the files inside my styles.scss
inside my _index.scss file I have these set up
@forward 'button';
@forward 'card';
@forward 'checkbox';
well ok then
yes I am doing the same th injg
that is why I got confused because I did the
@use 'folder' as *;
and then realized I did not use the folder I needed lol