Deployed website unable to find environment variables set on Worker

So my website is unable to access enviorment variables. When I set enviorment variables on my computer and run the app locally (without wrangler), it works correctly. But whenever I deploy my app to workers or test it with wrangler, it can't access the enviorment variables. How would I fix this?
2 Replies
1OP14mo ago
So my website is built with Nuxt and I am using Nuxt's runtime config feature. The part I am having trouble with is the feature where config values are loaded from enviorment variables. As stated previously, it works fine outside of workers and wrangler. More info here
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1OP14mo ago
Turns out this is a issue with Nuxt itself. For those having issues with this, check this issue:
runtimeConfig not parsing environment variables in cloudflare mode ...
Environment Operating System: Linux Node Version: v16.15.0 Nuxt Version: 3.0.0-rc.3 Package Manager: [email protected] Builder: vite User Config: runtimeConfig Runtime Modules: - Build Modules: - Reproduc...

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