Labels Thread

Labels Thread
4 Replies
NoelOP15mo ago
Hi Folks! So something @j0rge brought up that got me thinking was about issue labels. I see things are for the most part standardized between Bluefin and Bazzite, but I wanted to crowd source and see if there should be anything additionally added to the list of labels. This would be helpful for triage and if we needed to, adding to a project board in GitHub to inform users what is being worked on actively. I think it would be helpful to enforce labeling an issue on issue creation to help with triage. If it's wrong, we can always change it.
j0rge15mo ago
yeah, I know k8s and others have tools, but lots of those are for high scale stuff
j0rge15mo ago
Issues · kubernetes/kubernetes
Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management - Issues · kubernetes/kubernetes
j0rge15mo ago
we don't need nearly as many

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