.../cdn-cgi/access/get-identity ->{"err":"could not retrieve identity"}

As the title says. When i try to get the identity of the current gateway user i get the following response. Does anyone have an idea?
19 Replies
Louis9mo ago
@kian I saw a message from you about it. Do you have maybe the time to help or give me a hint whats wrong here? When i access teamname.cloudflareaccess.com/cdn-cgi/trace i get gateway=on warp=on So its not the split tunnel i also tried the jwt from the cf-access-jwt-assertion and cookie headers but neither worked
Cyb3r-Jak39mo ago
Application token · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
Cloudflare Access includes the application token with all authenticated requests to your origin. A typical JWT looks like this:
Cyb3r-Jak39mo ago
You need to use the identity_nonce part of the JWT payload when making the request
Louis9mo ago
Ah so i first have to „decode“ the jwt and take the identity_nonce from the payload? @Cyb3r-Jok3 i just decoded the JWT payload and i dont have the identity_nonce field on it.
"type": "app",
"aud": "*****************",
"exp": 1705126723,
"iss": "https://teamname.cloudflareaccess.com",
"iat": 1705040323,
"sub": ""
"type": "app",
"aud": "*****************",
"exp": 1705126723,
"iss": "https://teamname.cloudflareaccess.com",
"iat": 1705040323,
"sub": ""
ok after some testing: It works with applications where i have a allow/block policy. It doesnt work with Service Auth Policies. is there anything i have to change to get it working with service auth? tbh. i just need the email. And i cant use an Allow rule instead of the service auth because its an rest api which is portected with it
Cyb3r-Jak39mo ago
Service auth doesn’t have any identity information as it isn’t tied to a user.
Louis9mo ago
so there is no solution?
Cyb3r-Jak39mo ago
Yeah if you see are using service auth. What information would you want to get from it anyway?
Louis9mo ago
Email At least So currently im using gateway and service auth to allow access to my rest api Is there an alternative way? Which gives me the jwt with identity?
Cyb3r-Jak39mo ago
Does an allow rule work with service auth? Never done it but it might work
Louis9mo ago
I have a policy in the application with the type service auth When i change it to allow i need to login and get redirected to the login page when i want to access my api
Cyb3r-Jak39mo ago
I’ll have to play around with it after work to see if I can get anything to work. You just want the service auth email right?
Louis9mo ago
i want to use a service auth policy to login users with gateway and in the app i need somehow the email of the user through cloudflare thank you so much
Cyb3r-Jak39mo ago
Wait I’m confused. Service auth isn’t for logging in other people but allowing scripts to use Cloudflare. If you’re calling it from a script you’d probably have to add a field to a JSON body or have a header that has the email.
Louis9mo ago
yeah but there is also the service auth action in policies
Louis9mo ago
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