image floating and over crossing the boundary

Hello, I'm just asking, if how is it possible to do this with websites, the details that I sent in the image, btw, this is just a self project and credits to the owner of the design. How can I achieve this, using position absolute? or is there something I will do in the code to achieve this kind of details similar to the image I sent. like he is crossing the boundaries of the parent, like if I have a first and second section, how can I get him in the middle idk if my saying is correct sorry for my bad english. Thank you!
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6 Replies
Zoë14mo ago
For things like that you can use position: absolute
CortezanoOP14mo ago
Do I still need to put him inside the parents, like inside of one of my section, if I have 2 sections sir? or should I take him out and then make this a position:absolute?
Zoë14mo ago
Put them in whatever the blue border container is and also make that container position: relative
CortezanoOP14mo ago
ok sir, I'll tryy thank you so much!
clevermissfox14mo ago
You can also use grid now on the container that holds whatever the blue border is, make the images siblings of the blue border . Absolute also works within grid too relative to its cell
Zoë14mo ago
They're just decorations so it doesn't need to be formatted in a grid in the same way content would, it's one of the few places where position: absolute is acceptable and there are fewer things to get wrong

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