My CSS don't run properly?
as you can see my css path here is good but when i run it in my browser my website doesn't have any css beside bootstraps
is there a problem in my pathing or is it somewhere else?
11 Replies
You probably want it to be "assets/style.css", without the dashboard/
OMG is that it?, im having a hard time understanding this pathing folder by folder
Thank you @Jochem
The way you wrote the url, it assumes it's a relative path, so it's going to look at the url of the current page and then add dashboard/assets/style.css
You might want to load your css file after bootstrap just in case 🙂
yeah i did it to be more fast idk if thats a good practice or habit as a beginner
I don't think relative or absolute paths are a performance concern. It's best to just understand how the pathing works and use it the way you want or that works best for you
Okay, ill keep that in mind Thank you so much
Glad to help 🙂