Flow14mo ago

Bastian | Cadence (2024-01-08)

Where is FungibleTokenMetadataViews deployed? It's not documented at https://developers.flow.com/build/core-contracts cc @joshua | Flow
Flow Core Contracts | Flow Developer Portal
The smart contracts that power the Flow protocol
5 Replies
Needle14mo ago
I've created a thread for your message. Please continue any relevant discussion in this thread. You can rename this thread using /title <new title> If this is a technical question that others may benefit from, considering also asking it on Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/ask?tags=onflow-cadence
turbolentOP14mo ago
Looks like it's the same as FT itself? https://contractbrowser.com/A.f233dcee88fe0abe.FungibleTokenMetadataViews Same for LockedTokens and StakingProxy
joshua14mo ago
yeah, it is the same account as FungibleToken. I'll update those docs
joshua14mo ago
Locked tokens is the same account as staking collection: https://developers.flow.com/build/core-contracts/staking-collection
Flow Staking Collection Contract Reference | Flow Developer Portal
The FlowStakingCollection contract is a contract that manages a resource containing a user's stake and delegation objects.
joshua14mo ago
Just so you're aware, if you can't find the import addresses on the docs site, you can usually find them in their github repos. There are a few missing though because they aren't relevant to the community any more staking proxy is 0x62430cf28c26d095 on mainnet and 0x7aad92e5a0715d21 on testnet 1pass has most of them too

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