Universal Blue•14mo ago

Toolbox Migration

Toolbox Migration
70 Replies
NoelOP•14mo ago
So realisically, we want to move all toolboxes to https://github.com/ublue-os/toolboxes
GitHub - ublue-os/toolboxes: Centralized repository of containers d...
Centralized repository of containers designed for Toolbox/Distrobox - GitHub - ublue-os/toolboxes: Centralized repository of containers designed for Toolbox/Distrobox
NoelOP•14mo ago
I'm assuming we would want to move these: https://github.com/ublue-os/bluefin/tree/main/toolboxes and these three: https://github.com/ublue-os/fedora-distrobox https://github.com/ublue-os/arch-distrobox https://github.com/ublue-os/bazzite-arch any that I missed? @Kyle Gospo @j0rge Gonna create an issue to track progress on moving them.
j0rge•14mo ago
ubuntu, and fedora in bluefin repo, we may need to consolidate the fedora ones
NoelOP•14mo ago
Oh, so we have multiple toolboxes for Fedora?
j0rge•14mo ago
yeah mine might be based on kyle's forgot, lol
j0rge•14mo ago
I was just telling a colleague, the awesome part of this set up is you can move so fast with so few people, the bad part is missing docs and stuff we do an obs-studio box in partnership with wimpy that should be in there wait, let me rephrase keep it in it's own repo, but we should account for it. (actions, etc.)
NoelOP•14mo ago
ok, so OBS Studio stays where it is? I thinking this is more meant for just general toolboxes that anyone (ourselves included) can consume. more specialized application ones may make more sense to keep in their separate repo.
j0rge•14mo ago
yeah the reason I mention it is if we do like, centralized actions and stuff, like I'm not sure how often it builds in relation to the others, that kind of thing
NoelOP•14mo ago
I see, might be worth discussing and getting a consensus? We are lazy and remaking actions doesn't really align with that value 😉
j0rge•14mo ago
yeah I just want to make sure those boxes don't get left behind if we fix up tooling I guess is my concern. The payload not so much
NoelOP•14mo ago
j0rge•14mo ago
like, are we doing sig store checks on the obs one? I don't think we are but we are in bazzifin, that sort of thing.
M2•14mo ago
I think the 4 bluefin ones could move more or less as is right now. The only one that is odd is that the bluefin fedora one pulls from fedora-distrobox and then calls it fedora-toolbox. So that's kinda not great Will start looking at moving the bluefin containers. Do we want quadlets in the new repo? I can see either way. Rootless are going to require some workarounds since we would probably have edits through as we work through quadlets.
j0rge•14mo ago
quadlets seem fine how do we ingest them into bluefin? like just git clone the service units over?
M2•14mo ago
A git submodule? Or just git clone during build. The only difference between our fedora-toolbox and fedora-distrobox is .... we install vim and ripgrep.
j0rge•14mo ago
M2•14mo ago
The only place we specifically call our fedora-toolbox is the distrobox.ini in bluefin-dx.
j0rge•14mo ago
oh wow, I didn't know we were so inconsistent
M2•14mo ago
I vote we get rid of our fedora-toolbox. And just add vim/ripgrep to fedora-distrobox. Or only vim. Rename the distrobox.ini and move on. If anyone using distrobox or toolbox tries and consume the old image. They will have to run dnf update as part of setup so shouldn't be too much of a concern I won't remove it yet. Looking for consensus. But I see no reason to keep both.
j0rge•14mo ago
M2•14mo ago
I have most of bluefin's stuff getting setup in the new repo. Need to modify stuff to handle the new names/paths. But should at least start getting the repo churning. I want to compare the Wolfi box and our bluefin-cli. I think the end result right now is that our bluefin-cli has brew and Wolfi doesn't. Some other small differences but a lot of duplication. Most of the Wolfi packages are just what get installed when you create with distrobox. I think distrobox implementation of bluefin-cli is fine now with using the just bluefin-cli. I know size is a concern for the bluefin-cli box, but I think it might get a little larger since the distrobox packages won't get pulled automatically when used via quadlet.
j0rge•14mo ago
I was talking to dustin and I think kyle would agree, we should PR wolfi into distrobox to not just install those packages. The reason it's doing so is because it thinks it's alpine and just tosses it all there. but like we don't need a bunch of the X stuff because there are no graphical apps in there. plus we know it's going to grow, there's too much awesome stuff out there to not grow hahahaha. but with wolfi we can go bottom up while building, with ubuntu we tried to go top down and it's just, gah, we're not doing that it's too messy.
M2•14mo ago
That makes sense.
j0rge•14mo ago
also like 3 or 4 of us have fixes in distrobox, it's so awesome when they do a release and one of us is in there, we celebrated last time
j0rge•14mo ago
boom, both @adamisrael and @EyeCantCU, so awesome
No description
EyeCantCU•14mo ago
Have an open PR that would allow people to override the start shell too 🙂
M2•14mo ago
So the logic for what gets added is simply which package manager does the container have. Attempt to install these dependencies. If we want a Wolfi specific, we would need a code path to by-pass all of that instead.
M2•14mo ago
Interactive quadlets look non-trivial. For bluefin-cli distrobox sets up 317 volume mounts While a lot of them are not necessary for the cli. It is quite a bit. I'll see if there is a way to programatically get stuff.
NoelOP•14mo ago
Ack. I will likely need to look at this tomorrow. I also don't have a huge amount experience with GitHub actions, so I will need to lean on others for review as well.
M2•14mo ago
No worries. More quadlet thinking. There multiple stages for the lifecycle of using the container.
Using distrobox as a bit of a guiding point: 1. Container setup. A. The container needs to have a corresponding user inside the container for use. Or at the very least needs to have a correctly mapped UID/GID so permissions don't get screwed up on host. B. Correct user shell. C. Volume mounts. Expectation of transparent access to home. D. Host integrations. Continuing with volume mounts we need to mount in sockets, host networking, dbus, themes, X socket. 2. Entrypoint. Quadlets get transformed into systemd units that can be enabled. What do we actually connect to. 3. Updates. Pulling new images are going to nuke things. How to minimize this as much as possible.
j0rge•14mo ago
Ok, so question time. Do you think given what you've seen so far that doing that work is worth the effort? like I think prompt calls toolbox directly right (I think @Kyle Gospo would know), would it just make sense to have bluefin-cli be a toolbox, which purposely doesn't have as many features, since we know there will never be GUI apps, etc. in there. because toolbox doesn't install extra packages, etc, I think it just doesn't try to care and goes right into the container
M2•14mo ago
I want to think a bit more on this. But quadlets might need to be generated in order to match the integration. Toolbox might actually make a ton of sense so long as I understand all the features. Quadlets seem awesome right now for replacing docker-compose. I also don't want to reinvent distrobox.
j0rge•14mo ago
right yeah for sure they created quadlets to give you compose-like convenience but right in the service unit
M2•14mo ago
Okay looking at some of the older versions of toolbox, I think I can do some of it in a quadlet. The only thing I'm not liking is that systemd units don't have a convenience key for $XDG_DATA_HOME.
j0rge•14mo ago
sorry that link was for @HikariKnight mixing up my threads, that's a just thing
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•14mo ago
@j0rge when you say old Nvidia card, make sure it's 2000 series and up Nothing prior to that is going to work well
j0rge•14mo ago
2080 ack
M2•14mo ago
So i'm able to get the entrypoint working inside a quadlet. Now working through attaching to the container However that is as the Exec command. It needs to be the entrypoint Apparently we have a different version of podman? The container works. Now need to figure how to replicate distrobox-enter but using a quadlet it creates the container. However, it ain't persistant at all right now Prompt does not have the container as an option to select. But distrobox ls see's it And it's now showing up in prompt.... but immediately dies when I connect to it. Probably missing something. Distrobox enter seems to work. The container showed up after I made a toolbox container. The container is removed on exit so you have to redo the entire distrobox enter first setup each time.
M2•14mo ago
@j0rge @Noel https://github.com/ublue-os/toolboxes/pull/5 quadlets and systemd oneshots for distrobox containers. I'll figure out toolbox but might be a bit more complicated. I actually like the oneshots a bit better than quadlet for distrobox since you can easily modify the ini file for additional packages and a bit of an easier pattern than the quadlet.
feat: quadlets and systemd service files for distrobox containers b...
Adds example quadlets that uses distrobox for entrypoint. Adds example systemd-oneshot services for creating distrobox containers along with example *.ini files.
M2•14mo ago
And toolbox quadlet is working. Will add that shortly as well
j0rge•14mo ago
ok is it time to turn off the workflows in bluefin and turn the one in toolboxes on? that's why we're failing with the pushes
M2•14mo ago
We are failing since we cannot login to ghcr I think The images build fine (except wolfi right now due to libcap)
j0rge•14mo ago
yeah, someone PRed a fix to that earlier I'm just getting to the PC I can help transition us to this I gave you the proper access on the repo
M2•14mo ago
Okay. I'm bringing over the rest of the quadlets right now. So both distrobox and toolbox style for these containers. Will match systemd-oneshots for toolbox later. Following that I'll start rounding up the rest of the individual containers we have.
j0rge•14mo ago
feel free to just push let's just get it done, then I'll turn on branch protection fedora, wolfi, ubuntu, and bluefin all successfully pushed NICE
M2•14mo ago
Bluefin stuff is over. I think we are missing some credential right now for the ghcr login?
j0rge•14mo ago
@Kyle Gospo what's the tldr on this? https://github.com/ublue-os/waydroid-distrobox
GitHub - ublue-os/waydroid-distrobox: Fedora distrobox images with ...
Fedora distrobox images with packages required for Waydroid added OOTB - GitHub - ublue-os/waydroid-distrobox: Fedora distrobox images with packages required for Waydroid added OOTB
j0rge•14mo ago
whereat? things look green here
j0rge•14mo ago
No description
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•14mo ago
M2•14mo ago
We good. I was reading something wrong
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•14mo ago
Was based on what vanilla was doing Not a good experience at all
j0rge•14mo ago
M2•14mo ago
@Kyle Gospo do you guys need to persist state in the fedora distrobox for ujust commands?
j0rge•14mo ago
to explain the ghcr errors. In an org if a repo pushes a package, another repo can't publish that same package. So I had to manually delete the packages in ghcr.io, and then build in the new repo and then it's all green
M2•14mo ago
ah everything is green so we can turn-off the bluefin stuff and remove those from bluefin repo now.
j0rge•14mo ago
PRed to fin already, just needs a review https://github.com/ublue-os/bluefin/pull/814
M2•14mo ago
j0rge•14mo ago
I'm going to PR building wolfi/bluefin-cli more than once a day, I'm catching up on some wolfi vids and they move very fast, so I'm thinking 4 times a day? actually I'll start with twice
M2•14mo ago
We need shadow in wolfi
j0rge•14mo ago
@Kyle Gospo do we wanna move the arch toolbox into the toolboxes repo?
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•14mo ago
@j0rge yup
j0rge•14mo ago
IMO we should leave bazzite-arch and the obs one in their own thing
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•14mo ago
Sure, fine by me
HikariKnight•14mo ago
i will start working on the toolbox recipes on tuesday, will probably have to play around a bit with toolbox to figure out what would make sense with it
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo•14mo ago
justfile cleanup @ bazzite is done now too, so that's ready for you to look at w/o having a ton of duplicates and mess also there's a bug where kargs are wrapped by quotations that may be worth looking at
HikariKnight•14mo ago
great, means i get to brush off the dust from the VM

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