DB sometimes returns rows, sometimes returns nothing

I wanted to raise this formally although I've been discussing it in #hyperdrive-beta , as I'm not sure where in the CF stack the issue lies. Basically a single query in my app, among hundreds, sometimes returns rows and sometimes returns this:
command: null,
rowCount: null,
oid: null,
rows: Array(0),
fields: Array(0)
command: null,
rowCount: null,
oid: null,
rows: Array(0),
fields: Array(0)
All other queries work fine, as I say. So I'm sat here refreshing and endpoint and sometimes seeing data and sometimes not (with no code changes). This is happening while running my app locally (with --remote) so HD is being used. So I assume this is a HD issue, though perhaps it's at a Workers/Wrangler level for all I know. I could disable HD caching, but then that presumably defeats the point of HD? Any help is greatly appreciated as this is blocking me at the mo! Thanks in advance.
4 Replies
MityaOP14mo ago
This turned out to be an apparently already-known bug with Hyperdrive. The fix for now is to disable caching. Supposedly a longterm fix is coming out later this week.
ernestoresende14mo ago
Mind sharing where you've found information about the bug in question? I recently stumbled upon the same problem in some internal tooling I made reliant on Hyperdrive to stabilize connection pooling, and it took me a good while to figure out it was happening due to the caching being enabled.
I could disable HD caching, but then that presumably defeats the point of HD?
I think it depends on your workload, in my case it made sense to disable the caching since it was accessing some frequently changing data, and I only wanted Hyperdrive to act as a connection pooler to reduce the number of connections from Workers instances to my origin database
MityaOP14mo ago
Check out the conversation in #hyperdrive-beta from around this message downwards. CF have acknowledged there's a bug causing this, though I believe i saw a message in that channel saying they'd now pushed a fix, so I may try to re-enable caching and see if it recorrurs (right now I continue to have caching disabled).
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MityaOP14mo ago
Someone in that thread reckoned it affected only parameterised queries, though I'm not sure about that; the vast majority of my queries are parameterised, and it was only one query that was presenting the issue.

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