✅ Vertical Slicing with MediatR and Unit Testing
Hello everyone.
I've recently come across Vertical Slice architecture and was amused by it, I think it is a nice approach to build a web api based on features.
I've watched Jimmy Bogard's talk on Vertical slicing with MediatR, but was confused on how to implement unit testing.
I only have a controller which send commands or queries through a mediator object, and a handler that handles this request. In his talk, Jimmy said to not worry about unnecessary abstractions like a Repository for example, we can just pass in the DbContext (in the case of EF Core).
But if that's the case, how can I actually unit test my code when all of my code is inside the handlers since they aren't too big.
5 Replies
Should I create a repo that wraps Dbcontext to mock it?
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