pages-action branch preview URL
Is it possible to grab the branch preview URL out of
? I'm trying to simulate the nice chatops-y build status message the cloudflare build process creates when building in Github instead for more control.1 Reply
Right now I've got
Or—I see, right now I'm not creating a branch preview URL, am I. Hence why
is just the URL
For anyone who finds this via search, it looks like there are a number of issues with cloudflare/pages-action
that prevent this from working, as noted in the issues for the repo: a) one needs to manually set the deployment branch to ${{ github.head_ref || github.ref_name }}
even though the documentation suggests you don't, and b) even if you do, outputs.alias
doesn't work. The wrangler action is way more updated (supports pnpm, for one), and you can use command: pages deploy
with it, but it doesn't output the branch URL (or make a github deployment?) either.
For now I just faked the whole thing: