Repo pattern - is it okay to call one repo from multiple services?
pretty much the title summarizes it all.
In one code base I am refactoring I am seeing a lot of calling from multiple services classes to one repository - most likely to bypass circular dependencies.
Is it a good practice? Why yes? Why not?
I usually try to keep calls between services to make sure business logic is checked at all times.
9 Replies

As long as your repositories do only their intended job, which is to act upon an external data source, I see no problems with several services/command handlers/other business logic containers re-using the same repo. In fact, I'd be suprised if you didn't have this.
What about if we have:
and in EmployeeService we need to access something about OfficeService - e.g. get office by id?
In this code base it's solved by just calling repo layer - OfficeRepository.
But with this we are not checking some other logic in OfficeService - like "Can this user access this entity?"
Worth noting: don't do repo pattern with EFCore (Entity Framework Core)
In case if that's what you were doing
And this is why I dislike the service+repo pattern - it very rarely matches up to your real dependencies
therefor I much prefer command handlers, where you dont have to think "hm, does this fit best in X or Y service", its just its own thing.
Regardless, in this actual case that you are asking about here, the answer is boring - it depends.
specifically, it depends on if the logic of checking who can access the office etc is relevant to this specific action on your service
yeah i wish we had ef core in place but codebase is 95% dapper and 5% ef core. Would be better to go with ef core for this project
and obviously i would do no repo pattern with ef core
this intrigued, do u have some example / pseudo code to explain it further?
This could solve big concern I am dealing - I am also asking does it fit into A or B?
Here is my discord bot, may have a look
MO.DiscordBot/Application/Discord/Tags/RenameTagRequest.cs at maste...
Discord bot made with .NET 8 and vsa-like architecture - MindHardt/MO.DiscordBot
Keep in mind that I have my own RequestHandler interfaces
They are injected directly into a discord command action (similar fashion to controller action)
I also use a custom result pattern, you can see here
MO.DiscordBot/Bot/Commands/TagCommands.cs at 846f40d035b7de77d50520...
Discord bot made with .NET 8 and vsa-like architecture - MindHardt/MO.DiscordBot