Quick question around `pages dev`

Quick question around pages dev functions and restarting on code changes. I've got a function that re-exports onRequest from a different folder, and I use the wrangler dev bundling. The details are here: https://discord.com/channels/595317990191398933/1155875351201861632/1192079412615708674 For some reason during dev, codechanges are not applied without having to restart. Is this a bug?
1 Reply
quamboOP15mo ago
Noticed when I change a source file in trpc/src/ folder, the log shows
✘ [ERROR] [proxy]:

[TypeScript] Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes.
✘ [ERROR] [proxy]:

[TypeScript] Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes.
When I modify functions/trpc/[[endpoint]]/index.js, I can see the whole page reloading. Using latest wrangler btw

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