RunPod14mo ago

Mount gpu in container

Hello, I'd like to use runpod to perform blender render tasks. I wish to use this docker image: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/blender The documentation say this about hardware accelaration: this container is capable of supporting accelerated rendering with /dev/dri mounted in For Nvidia, it requires the installation of Nvidia container tools
linuxserver/blender - Docker Image | Docker Hub
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23 Replies
Madiator201114mo ago
It won’t work. We can’t do full pass of device as it requires elevated permission and that brings security issues.
justin14mo ago
https://discord.com/channels/912829806415085598/948767517332107274/1183808597260521512 I remember that madiator had posted something about blender before and i think this was discussed by another community member maybe an options to look into https://discord.com/channels/912829806415085598/1015038737425633330/1183226103897264158 Oh i found it! someone had made a yt video and madiator made the repo / docker container to support the workflow ~
Madiator201114mo ago
I mean it's gradio app but still has bugs but it works
OskrOP14mo ago
Thank you for your help, I found the repo but there is no documentation with it ? However, the yt video is very explicit
Madiator201114mo ago
what repo?
justin14mo ago
Just to clarify when I shared the links it was just to share something i read as a lead to look into but not as a solution since it was just something i remember happening as a member of the server: 1) The yt video is a community member who was just showing something off 2) The github repo is just a fun project that was created to implement the project that was shown in the YT video separately from the original person 3) If u launch the runpod template it looks like it will start up a web interface. You can play from there. This is not an official supported thing just a community idea from a while back that someone did for blender and I saw that was what u were interested in if u wanted a lead. But again, this is purely community interest and not official in any way.
justin14mo ago
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justin14mo ago
I recommend just read through some the discord talk in the thread but this is just rlly ppl hacking things tgt - not something rlly flushed out like ur original linked project
OskrOP14mo ago
Do you think I can create a custom dockerfile to perform the rendering serverless based on the linuxserver/blender dokcer image of my original post ? ( to avoid downloading blender each time) My understanding is that setup_gpu.py detect the gpu itself and I don’t if it will works in serverless ? If it sounds right to you and works as expected , I can open source the resulting dockerfile Oh and I need to use the eevee engine, not cycles
justin14mo ago
Honestly, I am not too sure about how anything blender works sorry. Definitely not my speciality
OskrOP14mo ago
No problem, I think Madiator is more capable about Blender 🙂
Madiator201114mo ago
mayby I can try though it would be locked to single version
OskrOP14mo ago
I won’t take your time, your theoric approve is enough for me, I’m starting it. If it works, I can create a simple script to generate multiple image tags with different blender versions from the hardcoded array
Madiator201114mo ago
I mean you can use my github as start point https://github.com/kodxana/gradio-Blender
GitHub - kodxana/gradio-Blender: gradio Blender Render for RunPod
gradio Blender Render for RunPod. Contribute to kodxana/gradio-Blender development by creating an account on GitHub.
OskrOP14mo ago
Yes I'm already on it of course 🙂 in the conversation of the creator of the original yt video, you mention GPU usage percentage. How can I find it to make sure it works at least a little bit ?
justin14mo ago
https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-system-management-interface Nvidia SMI might be a good way to see it through CLI - other than the UI built into runpod website when you run a pod, it will tell you on the runpod website UI
OskrOP14mo ago
@Madiator2011 I think you made a mistake at this line: https://github.com/kodxana/gradio-Blender/blob/main/blender_gradio_app.py#L193 The variable after -o should be output_file_path and not output_file_base_path
gradio-Blender/blender_gradio_app.py at main · kodxana/gradio-Blender
gradio Blender Render for RunPod. Contribute to kodxana/gradio-Blender development by creating an account on GitHub.
Madiator201114mo ago
fell free to sumbit PR
OskrOP14mo ago
Oh yeah better way
Madiator201114mo ago
nvm it looks fine it saves frame to frame directory
OskrOP14mo ago
I managed to get something using cycles rendering Keep going to eevee rendering and uploading
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Madiator201114mo ago
oh nice

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