I need help

I need help from you! I can't figure out why the progress container is not visible when the width is larger than 700px.
4 Replies
MarkBoots15mo ago
you are using margin on a flex-item that is causing the issue. it is narrowing the original height of the element to 0 because it has no other way to go. (the parent has a fixed height) remove the margin from .progress-container, (Maybe even better: remove the height from the parent and use gap to create spacing) tip: you are using a lot of fixed heights, try and see if they are really necessary. It will prevent issues like this. Let the content determine the height another tip for the future, instead of sharing complete files overhere. Make a codepen or sandbox. That makes it easier for us to help (now I had to download them and create a project for myself) Also it would help to make a title that describes your issue more then "I need help"
check out the #how-to-ask-good-questions
verakissyou17OP15mo ago
Thanks for your advice! I removed the margin I found the issue. It was the font-size of my song-info. It was to big. Is my first project , I have a lot to learn. God bless you!!
MarkBoots15mo ago
no problem. Good luck on the project!
verakissyou17OP15mo ago

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