ComfyUI custom nodes (IMPORT FAILED) after server stop
I'm using the runpod/stable-diffusion:comfy-ui-3.0.2 Docker template and facing issues with custom_nodes failing to import after server restarts. I suspect it's related to Python package installations as manually reinstalling them from custom_nodes/some_such_node/requirements.txt fixes the issue and the server logs say things like
Cannot import /workspace/ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI_FizzNodes module for custom nodes: No module named 'numexpr'
I did the following docker command override and it hasn't fixed the issue:
bash -c 'python -m venv /workspace/env && echo "source /workspace/env/bin/activate" >> ~/.bashrc && source /workspace/env/bin/activate && /'
The only thing that fixes it currently is manually going one by one through every custom node in comfyui manager and uninstalling and reinstalling them.
How can I get this docker image to persist python packages between instances given I'm using the same storage volume?
edit: I've now realized comfyui itself is running with the python that isn't in workspace. I'm pretty sure at this point I just need to make a new docker image from scratch so that's what I'm working on currently0 Replies