i am in angular please help to create same bookflip animation in pdf like this

angularts https://www.hktennisopen.hk/files/booklet_2023/ i already used this plugin https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-extended-pdf-viewer and here is my code <ngx-extended-pdf-viewer [src]=" 'https://malenezi.github.io/malenezi/SE401/Books/Software-Testing-A-Craftsman-s-Approach-Fourth-Edition-Paul-C-Jorgensen.pdf' " height="500px" width="100%" pageViewMode="book" [showBorders]="false" > </ngx-extended-pdf-viewer> and here is error šŸ’„
app.routes.ts:7 ERROR Error: NG0500: During hydration Angular expected a comment node but found <svg>. Angular expected this DOM: <button type="button" role="button" class="toolbarButton" id="primarySidebarToggle" title="ToggleSidebar" data-l10n-id="toggle_sidebar" aria-label="ToggleSidebar"> ā€¦ <!-- container --> <-- AT THIS LOCATION ā€¦ </button> Actual DOM is: <button type="button" role="button" class="toolbarButton" id="primarySidebarToggle" title="ToggleSidebar" data-l10n-id="toggle_sidebar" aria-label="ToggleSidebar"> <svg style="width:24px;height:24px" viewBox="002424">ā€¦</svg> <-- AT THIS LOCATION </button> Note: attributes are only displayed to better represent the DOM but have no effect on hydration mismatches. To fix this problem: * check the "PdfShyButtonComponent" component for hydration-related issues * check to see if your template has valid HTML structure * or skip hydration by adding the ngSkipHydration attribute to its host node in a template
PHKTO2023 - Booklet
PHKTO2023 - Booklet
Embedding PDF files in your Angular application. Highly configurable viewer including the toolbar, sidebar, and all the features you're used to.. Latest version: 18.1.14, last published: 11 days ago. Start using ngx-extended-pdf-viewer in your project by running npm i ngx-extended-pdf-viewer. There are 22 other projects in the npm registry usi...
7 Replies
Jochemā€¢15mo ago
what are you expecting from people based on this question?
Samir Ghataney
Samir GhataneyOPā€¢15mo ago
i expect some free plugins maybe some tools or some ideas how can i make this effect
Samir Ghataney
Samir GhataneyOPā€¢15mo ago
@Jochem i tried before this plugin but it's not work perfectly https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-extended-pdf-viewer
Embedding PDF files in your Angular application. Highly configurable viewer including the toolbar, sidebar, and all the features you're used to.. Latest version: 18.1.14, last published: 11 days ago. Start using ngx-extended-pdf-viewer in your project by running npm i ngx-extended-pdf-viewer. There are 22 other projects in the npm registry usi...
Jochemā€¢15mo ago
I have no experience with angular or this type of plugin, but "not working perfectly" isn't something someone can fix for you without a ton of extra information check out #how-to-ask-good-questions, build it as close as you can get, share your code, and be very specific about what isn't working the way you want it to work that said, I would personally not recommend using this type of UI. I hate them with a burning passion. They're slow, hard to navigate, probably an accessibility nightmare, and lazy from a design standpoint
Samir Ghataney
Samir GhataneyOPā€¢15mo ago
could you recommend some free plugins
Jochemā€¢15mo ago
Sorry, no, I've never used this type of design, or angular.
Samir Ghataney
Samir GhataneyOPā€¢15mo ago
okay , Thanks

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