responsive grid react window

I have grid container with row and col is dynamic from data serting I render list of card I want to virtualise this list with grid list of react window or birtuoso But the problem is lost responsive and. All card not showned correctly Who have ide to reponsive grid virtualization
7 Replies
MarkBoots15mo ago
i don't want to be rude, but I don't understand anything of this. Can you try to translate your question in google or chatgpt?
M@HeROP15mo ago
Sorry for that I have container with dynamic col and row for grid for example i show 3 col per row means i show in view 3X3 card I want to virtualize product depend on number of row and col for grid container I hope this clear
clevermissfox15mo ago
From what I’m understanding you can use the “auto-fit” keyword on your parent grid so that it’s responsive no matter how many columns you’re dynamically populating ?
MarkBoots15mo ago
ohw, no i see this is the same question as in please keep it over there and don't repost. @mod
Jochem15mo ago
@M@HeR yeah, please keep things to one post. if you wanted to make a new post for a separate topic that you already started in an old thread, leave a message in that thread so people know not to continue on that topic is it a 100% match? I can't quite tell at a quick glance
MarkBoots15mo ago
seems to me like that. but to be honnest, it's hard to understand the actual question
Jochem15mo ago
considering this isn't particularly going anywhere, I'll delete this thread. @M@HeR if it is a separate question, please repost it with a code example and clearer description

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