C#15mo ago

Changing the .Net Identity Table's Relationships

What's up everyone. I am playing around with using Identity in a multitenant environment where a user can have profiles in different tenants. My schema before involving Identity was: In this schema a user can belong to multiple tenants, and for that tenant they can have multiple profiles. Tenant User TenantUser TenantUserProfile Profile In my mind what Profiles, a user has should be referenced to the join table TenantUser. The default Identity models have the UserRole table referenced to User. Should I keep it this way and just add a tenant column to their join table UserRole, or is there a way to change the underlying relationships in oncreate? I have seen a lot of examples of changing names and adding columns, but not any about changing relationship keys etc.
2 Replies
this_is_pain15mo ago
an user than spans through tenants? is that legal? what's a profile? and why are roles tied to user and not profile?
Lx0044OP15mo ago
Yeah its legal, similar to how you can have a Zoho account and have access to different organizations help desks. Profiles are basicicly what I was calling roles in my system that had permissions assigned to them. The default Identity tables for .NET have roles assigned to their User table. Thats why I was wondering if there was a better way to structure this or change the default relations.

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