Trying to publish WPF App but getting error
I'm trying to publish a WPF C# application so that I get it's .exe but I keep getting that error.
The command I ran was
dotnet publish -c Release
MSBuild.exe was not present in the folder give in error so from somewhere of Visual Studio folder I found MSBuild.exe and copy pasted it in that folder and still getting the exact same error.20 Replies
can you show the csproj for the app?
@Azym Equinox
1 min
I mean the actual text of the csproj
how exactly do i open the csproj to see its text
though, based on packages.config that looks suspiciously like a Framework project
should be an option in the right click, or just open it in something like notepad
yes its a .NET Framework 4.7.2 project
yeah that's why
doesn't really work well with Framework projects
use msbuild
from the VS Command Prompt, or publish from Visual Studiooh
yep, typical Framework csproj
a giant mess
i tried publishing from visual studio but i just cant find the right options, all i want is an executable file but it gives options like cd/dvd, file share etc
isn't there a folder option?
i dont think so
show a screenshot
oh, huh
try the CD option? might just put files somewhere
yea i once did that and it worked however i ran the setup file and it opened the application after a minimal setup wizard kind of window but it didnt put the exe somewhere and it wasnt opening again properly as it said something like its already installed
oh ok
uh, I guess you could just use the build output
build output?
the result of building your app
it'll be in
alr so imma try that
tysm dude it worked (got the exe)