C#13mo ago

Random Name generator.

I wanted to learn by doing practice and reading books (hate video tutorial format). This is what I had in mind and I was able to get most of it done. 1) Capture set of names in string array 2) Get the length of the array and store the value in variable 3) Use the length stored to create random number store that in variable 4) used the random numbered to print random names from array This is all working using code below, my last requirement was, Load the name from JSON file. For the life of it i can't get it to load as Array. I was able to load it but it's printing value by specific position of character not array position. Code: https://paste.mod.gg/wracquwvdibv/0
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17 Replies
mg13mo ago
jsonfile is a string, which works as a character array, so jsonfile[13] is the 14th character in that file You need to use JsonSerializer.Deserialize<string[]> to parse the raw json string into a C# array
KruOP13mo ago
I was able to get an error to come up this time, looks like some syntex issue? This is the new code string sample2 = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<string>("C:\\Users\\Home\\Documents\\CSharp\\HelloWorld\\RandomName\\CombineFirstNameDb.json"); Console.WriteLine(sample2[10]);
mg13mo ago
That's the path to the file, not its content
KruOP13mo ago
error i am getting is, `System.Text.Json.JsonException HResult=0x80131500 Message='C' is an invalid start of a value. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0. Source=System.Text.Json
mg13mo ago
Right, because that's not JSON That's the file path You need to read the JSON from the file with File.ReadAllText(), and then deserialize that JSON data to an array
KruOP13mo ago
ahh got it, I was trying to skip over a step. Let me do the same using what I had before. baby steps... I changed it to use this string jsonfile = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\Home\Documents\CSharp\HelloWorld\RandomName\CombineFirstNameDb.json"); string sample = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<string>(jsonfile); Console.WriteLine(sample[0]); Getting error below. I did confirm no error on json file that's loaded in VS and online as well. System.Text.Json.JsonException: 'The JSON value could not be converted to System.String. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 1.' InvalidOperationException: Cannot get the value of a token type 'StartArray' as a string.
mg13mo ago
You're not deserializing it to an array again, sample[0] is not doing what you think it does strings are character arrays; you want a string array
KruOP13mo ago
Fixed it, I had to re-read your above statement. This solved it. string jsonfile = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\Home\Documents\CSharp\HelloWorld\RandomName\CombineFirstNameDb.json"); var sample = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<string[]>(jsonfile); Console.WriteLine(sample[0]);
mg13mo ago
yep, there you go
KruOP13mo ago
Thanks for your patience and not providing the actual solution. I never thought I would actually use var at all.
mg13mo ago
you can use var all the time, and should var just infers the type of the expression from the right hand side of the equals sign in this case there's no difference between writing var sample and string[] sample you just can't write string sample, because the result of Deserialize<string[]> isn't a string it's a string[]
KruOP13mo ago
Ok, that make sense as well. oh yeah, as I used string[] firstName = [ "Foo", "Bar", "Foo2", "Bar2" ]; at the top. using external file, I had to use the same logic just data input as json instead of manual.
mg13mo ago
KruOP13mo ago
I assumed json input would magically conver it as string[]
mg13mo ago
the deserialization does, you just have to tell it that you're looking for a string[]
KruOP13mo ago
Got you, well, if you ever need Random baby name maker, you know where to look :), Thanks again!
mg13mo ago
lmao ofc!

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