make IPv6 only server publicly available to ipv4 only network
Hello everybody 🙂
I am currently hosting multiple servers running proxmox on hetzner and having only one ip address.
Now, since ipv4 addresses are very expensive and a lot of people cannot connect to ipv6 only servers duo to ds-lite i want to ask if its possible to fix that using cloudflare.
One way i thought would be possible (and the only one right now i can think of) getting a public ip from cloudflare and redirecting it to the specific vm i want to to assign it to. Otherweise
in other words: i just want to make my vm reachable from the ipv4 only network for clients who do not support ipv6.
Do you have any recommendations on how i could achive that or if cloudflare has something for that purpose? like a ipv4/ipv6 ipv6/ipv4 gateway?
9 Replies
If you have a proxied DNS record ). Then the record will have both an A and AAAA record and you can just use have Cloudflare connect to your server over IPv6
So if im using the domain insated of the ipv6 of that vm than it will connect even on ds-lite networks that do not support ipv6?
so cloudflare will just assign an ipv4 to that dns record itself?
do you have a link to that procedure 😄 ?
All you need to do is make an AAAA record in your dashboard with the record proxied/orange cloud. When you make DNS looks you'll see both an IPv4 and IPv6 records for it
what are you using on hetzner where the IPV4 address is expensive? I pay under $4/month for a vps that i use as a vpn
i need 30 ips and im not going to pay over 100€ just for the setup and 60€ just for ipv4!
i know they are rare nowadays and i dont even want to use ipv4
But wouldnt that lead to problems when running a gameserver for instance?
Oh didn't know you needed to use it for a game server and yeah, it would cause issues for anything that isn't HTTP based.
No problem i also didnt mention that 🙂
i thought that cloudflare might offer a service for this since i also want to push ipv6 forward but im stuck with using ipv4 everywhere because of ds-lite
Cloudflare's products are designed for you to use their network. They have stuff like spectrum for handling connections not HTTP based but it would probabaly cost more than just paying for the IPs
hm yeah thanks anyway 🙂
im going to try to find a different solution than