Still 5fps and high ping issues

keep getting capped at 5 fps and my ping goes to stupid high numbers no matter what it is, could change the weather, time of day, at a meet, driving into a meet, driving out a meet literally anything i just get capped at 5fps but my FiveM will start to use less CPU when it does it and then after awhile it goes back to normal. had this issue ever since the server last got updated.
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14 Replies
nexβ€’15mo ago
get another clip with cl_drawperf 1 also make sure you're not using any graphic mods
✦ π˜½π™‘π™ͺπ™šπ™š ✦
im using quantV but ive been using it ever since ive been playing. im out right now but when im back ill wait till it happens again do i put this in the F8 menu?
nexβ€’15mo ago
✦ π˜½π™‘π™ͺπ™šπ™š ✦
since the removal of clothing my game overall is running much better im guessing it had something to do with add-on content? im not too sure my medal isnt clipping for some reason but this is what it says when i type in what u said my ping was changing constantly but it never went below 350 and it lasted about 5 minutes and i was just sat in someones car not moving at OBS not really sure whats happening <:peepo_Shrug:1140421099771940895>
nexβ€’15mo ago
Where are you connecting to the server from?
nexβ€’15mo ago
Your GPU is at 99% so it makes sense that your CPU isn’t anywhere near the same usage Yes
✦ π˜½π™‘π™ͺπ™šπ™š ✦
UK but now my games gone back to normal this is what it looks like i know my pc needs a new power supply because sometimes itll just hard reset depending on what stuff i have open etc randomly, do you think it could be my pc specs?
nexβ€’15mo ago
What CPU and GPU do you have?
✦ π˜½π™‘π™ͺπ™šπ™š ✦
i know i know i got the wrong ram etc but they all run at 3000mhz its happened again just now and all i done is stop emoting, its completely random when it happens and my CPU is OCd to 5ghz my PSU is only 750 watt, so i know i have some sort of power issue i plan on upgrading in the future for a whole new pc build but this weird fps and ping stuff has always happened since playing RSM ive always just TPd to meet zones etc becuase whenever i drive i get really bad FPS and high ping issues also but only since the server had changed builds back and forth it has now been capping at 5 fps
nexβ€’15mo ago
Well the first thing I’ve noticed is that you’re using different RAM kits If they’re not all running at the same speed then they’re probably running at much less than 3000MHz
✦ π˜½π™‘π™ͺπ™šπ™š ✦
yes, theyre the same brand etc just 1 is different speed to the other but they all run at 3000MHz
nexβ€’15mo ago
Open task manager, click on the performance tab and check the speed of the memory
✦ π˜½π™‘π™ͺπ™šπ™š ✦
it says speed 3000MHz

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