C#15mo ago

My C# Melon Loader Mod is not spawning a TCP socket

(or I cannot find it) I am using .net Framework 4.7.2 but In my code there is no TCP listen server being created. or if there is I cannot find it my code is at https://github.com/walksanatora/TcpControll/blob/master/TcpControl/Class1.cs
TcpControll/TcpControl/Class1.cs at master · walksanatora/TcpControll
attempt 3 at making a TCP proxy mod for the Sillica Dedicated Server - walksanatora/TcpControll
2 Replies
walksanatorOP15mo ago
some context: the game supports sending commands via a NamedPipe (SilicaDSPipe) and my mod should be spawning a TCP listen server on a configurable (8120 by default) port yet if I check with netstat there is no TCP port being opened
JakenVeina15mo ago
firstly, is modding supported by this game?

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