C#7mo ago

Get Youtube thumbnail

I am developing a Discord bot, but I have a problem, how can I use YouTube video thumbnails?
7 Replies
Arsenic7mo ago
my bot finds and plays the song from YouTube, but I want to use the video thumbnail as well
Thinker7mo ago
Be aware that playing songs off of YouTube through eg. a bot is against YouTube's terms of service. In any case, YouTube has an official API you can use to fetch video metadata like thumbnails, titles, descriptions, etc.
Thinker7mo ago
Google for Developers
YouTube Data API  |  Google for Developers
Add YouTube features to your application, including the ability to upload videos, create and manage playlists, and more.
Tvde17mo ago
There are C# nuget packages for this
arion7mo ago
For thumbnails you just take the video ID and slap it in either of these links https://img.youtube.com/vi/VIDEO_ID/maxresdefault.jpg https://img.youtube.com/vi/VIDEO_ID/hqdefault.jpg https://img.youtube.com/vi/VIDEO_ID/mqdefault.jpg Bear in mind, sometimes the highest quality is not available so a placeholder is put that looks like this:
No description
arion7mo ago
Here's a regex to get the video id from a link
arion7mo ago
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