"EvalError: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context"

I use sveltekit for server side rendering. when I enter the speicific page.svelte that import "@moonmoonbrothers/flutterjs" , 500 error occured and log message is below The library that cause this problem is made by myself. I think there is no "eval" or "new Function" in my library. and my library's dependencies too (popmotion, color-rgba ...) is there any possibility that error can happen? here is log message
6 Replies
문대승OP14mo ago
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kian14mo ago
I recommend looking at the _worker.js that Svelte builds and you'll likely see the eval usage in there.
문대승OP14mo ago
is _worker.js file made after build using coludflrare-adapter ??
kian14mo ago
문대승OP14mo ago
thank you!! I will investgate it umm.. but some page (that does not import "@moonmoonbrothers/flutterjs") work properly.. but first thing I have to do is that I try build and dig it
mukhtharcm14mo ago
did you got any solution?

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