why grid display is slow

I have modal show a list of card product With display grid and col and row repeat(5,1fr) I have 50 product And i show 2 container with 2 container with 25 item Its take 4 seconde to show modal I search i see is flex more speed than grid Any suggestions
3 Replies
Jochem16mo ago
you'll have to share your code This loads very quickly once the images are cached, and loading the images has nothing to do with grid or flex. The modal also displays instantly: https://codepen.io/jochemm/pen/OJdKQmg so you'll have to share your own code
M@HeROP16mo ago
But why if supposed not cached is faster with flex not like grid
Jochem16mo ago
I have no idea what that sentence means grid or flex has no influence on the loading of the images

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