Cost calculation for serverless
if this is my request, then how much am i billed: ( suppose i'm using the 24gb GPU )
"delayTime": 5981,
"executionTime": 7138,
13 Replies
is it only billed for the "executionTime": 7138,?
Cold start + execution. If your worker performs actions such as download models before the handler is called you will also be billed for this time.
Oh OK but which is the cold start time
Is it included in the execution time?
No, it is prior the execution time. Not something that can easily be reported for a specific request. There should be a cold start time chart on your endpoint page
Yaya ok thanks ill check that
hmm is there a guide to estimate my costs
also i've seen my execution time for the first time after the worker is launched is taking way longer like 40 secs ++ than usual why is that
then it became faster like 6 secs
May you shareyour handler file/code?
im using the sd webui, the handler waits for webui service like the ashleyk's one
i modified it abit, to wait sd webui only if using sd's apis because there is some other helpers api to download file and upload file
Sounds like it is these initilizations that run on the first request that are taking a while and then once they are ran everything else after is faster. If you can move this step outside of the handler then your execution times should become more consistent.
so its counted as the "cold start time"?
ah okay but it doesnt really matter right
ill just keep it this way lol, also thanks for the info
Unknown User•15mo ago
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no, downloading image happens in background and outside of billing cycle