email worker webhook not working

I am currently trying to relay emails sent to a worker to my webhook. it works fine when i send a test on the cloudflare site but when a real email is sent it doesnt send anything to my webhook. in the overview tab it shows that the email was received (although it says it was dropped ive read in other threads that that's just a default response) nothing is sent to the webhook. I am in control of the server and have put as many things as i can think of to log or find out what the issue is but ive come to the conclusion that it just isnt sending the request. anyone have any idea how to fix it?
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61 Replies
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
The most helpful tool you have for debugging live workers is Tailing them, either via wrangler tail or the dashboard, in the Worker under Logs -> Begin Log Stream A few things I see: Why is that http and not https? Are you specifying a port? Custom Ports would get dropped I doubt you can just stringify the message, most likely you would at least lose the body Yea JSON doesn't know how to serialize the message object, it just returns {}. You can just pass the message body itself as it's a readable stream, like this:
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
im using http because its not a domain its my vps ip yes i am specifcying a port
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
You can't fetch raw IPs in Workers, have to be domains
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
well thats the issue then
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
and yea ports just get dropped unless the Worker is executing on the same zone as the fetch target (ex. a Worker running on can fetch with a custom port (with some restrictions), but Email Workers execute on your so it'll just always drop it
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
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Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
zone = website in Cloudflare, ex. anything under the "Websites" tab (Just including that flow chart for completeness, like I said none of that really matters to you other then the fact ports just aren't supported in email worker fetches since it'll never be same-zone) As for the worker code itself, you can use something like this:
export default {
async email(message, env, ctx) {
await fetch("", {
body: message.raw,
method: "POST",
headers: {
"email-from": message.from,
"apikeyorsomeidentifideryouuse": env.secret,
export default {
async email(message, env, ctx) {
await fetch("", {
body: message.raw,
method: "POST",
headers: {
"email-from": message.from,
"apikeyorsomeidentifideryouuse": env.secret,
That would forward the email, and the from/to properties, to a target. You could then just read the request body to get the raw email
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
tjaml ypu chjaika
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
no worries. Email Workers are super cool but don't have the most examples and such around them right now, can be a bit hard to get started. If your intent is to use your VPS for actual production use, Cloudflare offers Origin Certificates under your website -> SSL/TLS -> Origin Server, they work with proxy enabled. You can create a DNS A Record to point at your server, create and install an origin ca certificate on it, and then use that to pass the email event to it. If you run into any issues, remember that Tail is your best bet when debugging deployed Workers. npx wrangler tail if you're using Wrangler or go to the Worker in the dashboard, Logs -> Real-time Logs -> Begin Log Stream, and wait a few seconds and then send the email. You should see the email event after a bit and any logs/exceptions that occured.
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
@Chaika any ideas?
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Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
That doesn't send JSON, that sends just the raw email Looks like your using Express with body-parser which thinks its JSON, probably because you're setting Content-type json or something else
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
mesage.raw does the same thing
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
message.raw isn't JSON either
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
is there a way for me to use like axios for this or a different library ive never used fetch before šŸ˜­
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
no but it wouldn't help I would drop the Content-Type: 'application/json' everything else though is on Express's end
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
message.raw is the raw rfc822 formatted email, it's not valid JSON. Your backend (the express app, not the worker) needs to not treat it as JSON either. Right now it is, hence the error. I'm not too familiar with Express or body-parser, but the first thing I see off is you setting the Content-type in the worker fetch. Your backend can use a library like to parse that email
Parse e-mails. Latest version: 3.6.5, last published: 6 months ago. Start using mailparser in your project by running npm i mailparser. There are 504 other projects in the npm registry using mailparser.
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
if i do that the server no longer receives it
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
hmm that's all Express stuff handling it. You could try setting it to application/octet-stream then, and if you're using the body-parser middleware it looks like you may need to change it to accept that On the worker side of things you could log the response it's getting as well if it helps, namely the status and any response. But yea, you're into Express land now. I'm no expert in that, Workers has no issue fetching/posting it though
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
hey @Chaika message.raw is undefined
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
it works sorta now tho
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Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
other than that part
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
What's your full worker code? (removing anything sensitive) If you're testing in the simulator it won't work I believe
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
export default {
async email(message, env, ctx) {
const apiKey = "c708b14fc6752ab...";

const response = await fetch("https://emails...../add/", {
body: message.raw,
method: "POST",
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/octet-stream',
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
"email-from": message.from,
"authorization": apiKey,


export default {
async email(message, env, ctx) {
const apiKey = "c708b14fc6752ab...";

const response = await fetch("https://emails...../add/", {
body: message.raw,
method: "POST",
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/octet-stream',
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
"email-from": message.from,
"authorization": apiKey,


Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
If you tail your worker, does it also say undefined for the message?
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
nah I mean the worker itself not on Express's end
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
yes it does
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
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Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
the simulator won't work with it have to test on a live email and tail It's going to be an issue on Express's end recieving it, message.raw is almost certainly not undefined when using it in production, but can always double check
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
ex: this simple code
export default {
async email(message, env, ctx) {

export default {
async email(message, env, ctx) {

works fine, it's not going to log the object but it does at least confirm it's not undefined
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Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
(If it helps to clarify tailing, start the tail from your Worker in the dash under Logs -> Real-time logs -> Start log stream, wait a few secs and send the email, and then you should see the event after a bit from the email, and you can click to expand to see all logs and such)
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
I see yea you're right that's weird well uh what might i do about that
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
If it helps to have a direction to look into, when I was looking into body-parser earlier (keeping in mind I haven't used Express very much), I noticed there's an option to use it with raw bodies when the content-type matches (ex: can use it for octet-stream) I'm guessing right now if the middleware has no idea how to handle it, it just sends undefined
Node.js body parsing middleware. Latest version: 1.20.2, last published: 10 months ago. Start using body-parser in your project by running npm i body-parser. There are 23288 other projects in the npm registry using body-parser.
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
im not even using body-parser anytmore
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
where does that log come from?
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
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Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
looks like without body-parser, Express doesn't do anything with body because it has no idea how to use it (src: could go back to body-parser or use something like this:
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
ok it is now this
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Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
nice, looks like the email
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
not sure what your goal is, but you can use a library like to parse it out further
Parse e-mails. Latest version: 3.6.5, last published: 6 months ago. Start using mailparser in your project by running npm i mailparser. There are 504 other projects in the npm registry using mailparser.
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
what's all this about
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Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
hmm, how are you using the library? For me, this works fine
import express from 'express';
import bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import { simpleParser } from 'mailparser';

const app = express();

// Middleware to parse raw bodies

// Routes'/', async (req, res) => {
try {
// Parse the email body
const parsedMail = await simpleParser(req.body);
console.log(JSON.stringify(parsedMail, null, 2));
// Grab the subject
const subject = parsedMail.subject;
res.send(`Received the subject: ${subject}`);
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).send('An error occurred while parsing the email.');

// Start the server
const port = 3000;
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`);
import express from 'express';
import bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import { simpleParser } from 'mailparser';

const app = express();

// Middleware to parse raw bodies

// Routes'/', async (req, res) => {
try {
// Parse the email body
const parsedMail = await simpleParser(req.body);
console.log(JSON.stringify(parsedMail, null, 2));
// Grab the subject
const subject = parsedMail.subject;
res.send(`Received the subject: ${subject}`);
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).send('An error occurred while parsing the email.');

// Start the server
const port = 3000;
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`);
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
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Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
Interesting.. I tested the full thing end to end and it still seems to work fine to me. Can you share a more full code example? Is your handler async?
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
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Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
How are you importing that/which package are you using?
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
same as you import { simpleParser } from "mailparser"; "mailparser": "^3.6.5",
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
if it helps to explain, to me this output would indicate that whatever input you gave it was garbage/not a proper rfc822 email so would look up the stack and try to figure out why are you using bodyparser or the other hack to parse the body?
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
yes i am app.use(bodyParser.raw()); im afool im srory its b ase64 of the thing because iw as testing and forgot to undo that šŸ˜…
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
ahh ok, there's various email samples you can use online to test sending with, makes it easier to debug and rule out the worker part. I grabbed this one here while I was testing, and then can just use a REST client like Insomnia to test Not sure if that's not already what you're doing, but just in case, it's a lot easier
Thunderbird/sample.eml at master Ā· FlexConfirmMail/Thunderbird
Thunderbirdå‘ć‘ć®čŖ¤é€äæ”é˜²ę­¢ć‚¢ćƒ‰ć‚Ŗćƒ³. Contribute to FlexConfirmMail/Thunderbird development by creating an account on GitHub.
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
now its smepty
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Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
looks like that happens when you give it no input / empty file
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
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Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
what happens when you try to convert an object into a string if you bypass the Worker side of things and send a request with a test email to your API, does it work?
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
no still like this
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Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
req.body is the thing below ā˜ļø
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
add logs for length and converting it to utf8, ex:
so you can see what you're getting in
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
umm something interesting ahppened now i think it decided to work randomly
Chaikaā€¢15mo ago
Well that's something. No reason for it to not work in the first place anyway, if your code was almost the same as mine express/worker wise, mine was working without any issues
Gute Nacht
Gute NachtOPā€¢15mo ago
well tysm chaika

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