Absolute/Relative positioning overflow
How do you make it so that the overflow scroll of this container(horizontally), appears while the vertical overflow is visible as well? On top of that, I would also want the absolutely positioned tooltip/popup to have its overflow to show horizontally.
tldr I need to:
show overflow scroll horizontally
show overflow of the popup anywhere(right now it only appears below or above, but not on the left side or right side of the screen)

4 Replies
red line being the scrollbar, and the black box, being the tooltip, being able to appear on top of the container
Change the container from
overflow-x: scroll
and make tooltip position absolute
We will soon have overflow- clip-margin
but not yet supportedchanging it into overflow-x: scroll will hide the popup tho, although it's already absolutely positioned
then you should add another div that is the parent of the one who is clipped , make the tooltip relative to that