Need some help for my C# .NET compiling app.
if someone can join call that would be great,
As shown in the photos i want the
(string newValue12 = (code), to = the code inside the class instead so i can save space and make my form1 less confusing.
14 Replies
?In the context of my application, pressing the compile button incorporates specific functionality based on selected checkboxes. For instance, if a checkbox like checkbox.Check is checked, it inserts a specific string of code into the compiled executable. However, the current code structure makes it cumbersome to navigate. To improve this, I am considering implementing separate classes for each checkbox function. This way, when a checkbox is selected, the code will utilize a string, let's call it newvalue12, containing the code encapsulated within that specific class.
It's important to emphasize that this code is not malicious. It's intended for use in my photo editing application to compile updates and configurations. These configurations are essential for saving plugins, enhancing the functionality of the app. The goal is to streamline the code structure for better organization and maintainability, ensuring a more efficient development process for legitimate purposes.
but why is it called ProcessStealer?
and what's up with gtfo.exe? pretty sure that's a multiplayer game
Generating Tailored Functionality Optimized (GTFO)
Adding an applications which manages processes on a computer in my example shown adding the output config exe to startup.
Now am I able to get some further assistance with my issue?
thats what i called it??
Stealer and dynamically compiling an executable, sounds like a malware. Which we absolutely do not help with and is against Discord's Terms of Service.
it sounds like you know exactly what it looks like, but my question is why does a legitimate application need to behave like that
i explained it. The file outputs configurations for the main
that's not explaining it very well based on the code you've shown
why is it emitting C# code?
at least i assume that's why you have C# in strings
and what does managing processes have to do with configuration?
I don't think anybody is falling for that AI generated name
basically none of this adds up
already fixed it don’t worry about it
!ban 1166575427482034257 developing cheat tools
I'm worried about it