Migrating from Vercel, vercel.json alternative

Hello everyone, I am migrating my projects from Vercel but cant find a way to setup my project like I used to in vercel using a vercel.json that contains: { "headers": [ { "source": "/assets/babylon/ext.babylon", "headers": [ { "key": "Accept-Encoding", "value": "br" }, { "key": "content-encoding", "value": "br" } ] } ], "cleanUrls": true } I have some “.babylon” files pre-compressed in brotli and just need the browser to use them. Any idea in how to achieve this?
26 Replies
ledeny15mo ago
Why are you migrating
David AE
David AEOP15mo ago
Vercel limits the amount of data that your deployments have received or sent to 100GB, cloudflare pages doesnt limit
Chaika15mo ago
Pages still isn't meant to be used as a file locker and has a 25 MB limit per file, just worth mentioning. If you just want something to store and deliver large files of up to 5 TB in size, look at Cloudflare R2 For setting custom headers Pages has a _headers file: https://developers.cloudflare.com/pages/platform/headers/
Headers · Cloudflare Pages docs
To attach headers to Cloudflare Pages responses, create a _headers plain text file in the output folder of your project. It is usually the folder that …
Chaika15mo ago
Cloudflare has docs on how it handles compression with the CDN here: https://developers.cloudflare.com/speed/optimization/content/brotli/content-compression/ Pages is a bit special, I haven't played around with it too much in how it handles things, but the important bit of that doc is here:
If you do not want a particular response from your origin to be encoded with GZIP/Brotli when delivered to website visitors, you can disable this by including a cache-control: no-transform HTTP header in the response from your origin web server.
Would try that
Content compression | Brotli · Cloudflare Speed docs
Cloudflare compresses content in two ways: between Cloudflare and your website visitors and between Cloudflare and your origin server.
David AE
David AEOP15mo ago
Thank you for the heads up but I am using cloudflare pages just for static sites, that latetly have a lot of traffic. I have tried _headers with the following code, but I cant see them reflected in the Response headers: /assets/babylon/*.babylon Content-Encoding: br /assets/babylon/ext.babylon Content-Encoding: br
Chaika15mo ago
Your _headers file is in your build output folder? You can also see if it got picked up by the build if you go to the deployment details and Headers tab Magic Link: https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/pages/view/:pages-project/:pages-deployment/headers
David AE
David AEOP15mo ago
Thanks for the support, the _headers.txt is where the index.html file is. Its a simple html, css and js so I guess the root directory is where it is supposed to be, but cloudflare isnt picking it up
David AE
David AEOP15mo ago
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Chaika15mo ago
There's supposed to be no extension on it not _headers.txt, it's supposed to be just _headers
David AE
David AEOP15mo ago
I changed that and now it works! But now the file is 12mbs, when the precompressed one in my project is 1.2 mb, why is that?
Chaika15mo ago
that's a pretty big jump, possible Cloudflare is decompressing it though. You could try setting cache-control: no-transform to get it to leave it alone. What's the URL?
David AE
David AEOP15mo ago
I tried cache-control: no-transform with no luck The url is https://dctest.logicaexp.com/assets/babylon/ext.babylon
David AE
David AEOP15mo ago
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David AE
David AEOP15mo ago
CF pages
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Chaika15mo ago
hmm that's interesting, CF does a bit of magical decompression at CDN level and it looks like Pages does some interesting build time compression as well. Not stuff I've messed with much before The one in your Git it builds from is 1.2 MB? I was expecting no-transform to leave it alone, but it looks like another way is just not setting the Content-Encoding so Cloudflare doesn't know it's compressed to even mess with it Depends what you're targeting though. If you want to use it in a browser/have browsers handle decompression or if you're using it in some other context where you can just always expect it to be compressed
David AE
David AEOP15mo ago
Yes, actually is 1.5 mb Its an asset for a webgl app so I need to send it compressed to the client and the client decompress it Its the first time that I use pages and its quite weird to me that its not straightforward has vercel about this
Chaika15mo ago
Pages is special, you essentially have two layers of handling User -> Their browser decompression/handling -> Custom Domain -> Cloudflare decompression/handling -> Pages.dev -> Pages decompression/handling Lots of hungry layers which love to eat cache. It seems when you set it via _headers file, the layer above says "Hey, this is compressed, I gotchu, and uncompresses it", but if we use a Transform Rule instead to set the headers on the Custom Domain, it works properly
Chaika15mo ago
ex: https://uiguiguigfg.chaika.dev/ext.babylon should be properly served as you would expect Simple transform Rule (Rules -> Transform Rules -> Response Headers) Magic Link to new: https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/:zone/rules/transform-rules/modify-response-header/new
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Chaika15mo ago
Might be an easier way, was just what I found. Also with that approach if the client doesn't send Accept-Encoding: br, it'll just fallback to decompressed
David AE
David AEOP15mo ago
Thank you for the reply and the explanation, but I see that I only have 10 active transform rules (with the free version) and I might need way more than that later But once again thank you for trying to help me I might have to stick with vercel then
Chaika15mo ago
Sure no problem, was fun to look into. There's a lot of magic within actual CDNs to serve the optimally compressed version for each visitor
Chaika15mo ago
If purely the amount of files was your concern, you can use the is in operator and list hunderds, or use starts with and include everything in a directory
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Chaika15mo ago
But yea, not best user experience, kind of confusing
David AE
David AEOP15mo ago
Hello Chaika, I tried this approach but I cant get it to show the content-encoding response header, but the content disposition one does appear Any idea why "content encoding" wont show up? I have tried many combinations of doing this and with/without _headers with no luck Also enabling and disabling brotli in the CF settings
carrot sticks
carrot sticks15mo ago
nice discussion, thanks everyone
Chaika15mo ago
How are you testing it? Make sure you're setting request headers including br, ex: Accept-Encoding: br, else Cloudflare will think it's a client without brolti support and "helpfully" decompress it For me I don't see either headers on the url you gave above. I'd guess the transform rule isn't matching

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