Heroku Postgres SSL Errors
The error you're getting is on the Heroku side - e.g. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60048669/heroku-postgres-psql-fatal-no-pg-hba-conf-entry-for-host
Stack Overflow
Heroku Postgres: "psql: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host"
There are a number of Heroku CLI Postgres commands that all return the same error. For example:
$ heroku pg:bloat
psql: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "...", user "...", database "...", SSL...
17 Replies
@Mitya started a thread here
Sorry just saw the thread - moving my reply here.
Thanks, I'll look at this. I just can't figure out why Heroku wouldn't throw this message when a non-Wrangler app on my local machine connets to the same DB, but does for the Wrangler app. Surely Heroku should either allow my IP or it shouldn't.
I don't see anything regarding your IP address here. Hyperdrive requires SSL (TLS), and it seems like Heroku is rejecting that for some reason.
I meant that the DB error I'm getting mentions my IP -
no pg_hba.conf entry for host "my.ip.here"
. I guess I'll have to take it up with Heroku. Appreciate the help, though.Is your DB in a private space or something? Just a regular Heroku Postgres instance?
Regular DB - no IP restrictions or anything, hence other non-Wrangler apps on my machine can connect to it, and I can connect to it via the pg_admin and Heidi SQL clients.
1. Created a fresh Heroku account
2. A new Heroku Postgres instance
3. Connected Hyperdrive to it - with NO changes
4. Deployed a Worker against that config
5. Works

I'd suggest trying on a fresh, temporary Heroku Postgres database first, to rule out any issues with your existing DB, especially if you've made settings changes to it in the past
Wow, appreciate your efforts. OK that's interesting. I haven't made any settings edits to this DB and as I say I can connect to it fine outside of Wrangler so this is a curious one. I'll try with a new DB.
Also, when you say “outside of Wrangler” - do you explicitly mean “from
wrangler dev
” (local dev) or from a Worker you have deployed?
If it is the former, what version of Wrangler are you using?By that I mean apps running on my local machine but which aren't anything to do with CF/Wrangler/Workers but are connecting to the same DB.
Wrangler 3.18.0
So for example the app I'm using with Workers started life as an Express app, and in its Express incarnation it connects fine, with the same connection string.
Right, but how are you running into issues? Are you trying to develop locally with
wrangler dev
- ?
if you can step back and run me through, step by step, what commands you are running and how the error is generated, it will help a lotOK. So I had a fully-working Express app that I needed to convert to serverless. So here I am now with Wrangler/CF Workers. I changed to a serverless-friendly router (Itty).
My DB code is unchanged from the Express days. It calls the same DB in the same way, specifically:
As I've mentioned, it's a simple dev DB running on Heroku with no weird settings or edits re: restricted access, hence other non-Wrangler apps running locally on my machine, as well as DB clients e.g. HeidiSQL, can connect to it.
My connection string (
) is a standard Postgres connection string, specified in my TOML under my Hyperdrive definition i.e.
I have console.log
'd env[env.DB+'-db'].connectionString
to ensure the connection string is what it should be.
My dev
command in package.json
is set to wrangler dev
. With this setup, my DB connection fails, with the error I've posted. If I change the dev command to wrangler dev --remote
the problem goes away.
Hope that's sufficient - thanks.Yes, so
means you’re running on Hyperdrive proper - on our network.
wrangler dev
is local-only.
1. Can you remove the rejectUnauthorized
/ ssl
object entirely?
2. Can you psql
to that local connection string on the same machine? Do you successfully connect to your Postgres instance? not using the Heroku CLI, just plain psql
From everything here this is entirely local and I am trying to rule out a local configuration issue on your machine or with wrangler dev
Thanks for this - I'll try the above steps tomorrow and feed back.
Hi - apologies for the late comeback here, Christmas etc. I've tried what you said and it's the same issue. Removing the
definition in the object has no effect, and yes I can connect to the DB over PSQL on my machine. This is verified by connecting to the DB in pg_admin and then accessing it via the "PSQL tool" option, where I can then run commands e.g. \d
to see a list of tables.
I've just tried a different DB, hosted on Azure, and exactly the same issue. I can connect it locally via pg_admin/psql/DB client software etc., but not via Wrangler.
Shall I post this as a bug? Since you can't seem to recreate it, I'm not sure how helpful that would be, but it's definitely an issue for me. I can provide any more diagnostic info that may help.
Aware this is becoming a bit stream-of-consciousness, but I'm also getting inexplicable DB errors that say Error: Connection terminated unexpectedly
. Again, this is only when connecting to the DB via an app running under Wrangler. When I connect to the same DB in my Express app, or via clients etc., no problem.Please open a bug. This appears to be local only (e.g. via wrangler) + not in production/when deployed. I suspect a possible Windows or firewall issue even?