C#13mo ago

General question about C# & Unity

Wanted to ask. I have an idea in mind to create an AR mobile game. Similar to Pokemon GO. I have read that Pokemon GO was written using Unity and C#. Since that time has anything changed? If i would like to create similar game I should learn C# first, move to Unity and then combine the two? I think i understand that i should learn C# first in order to move to Unity and then combine the two. But since pokemon GO many things changed and wanted to know if there are other ways/more efficient/more up to date in mobile game dev
14 Replies
cap5lut13mo ago
unity has changed some stuff regarding their license model starting 2024 (maybe some weeks later) if that fits the bill unity will be still ur mobile game engine defacto standard if the licence model doesnt fit the bill u should search for another. generally speaking, no matter which language/game engine combination u choose, u need to learn the language first (u wouldnt want to hold a speech infront of an audience about a topic u dont know anything about either right?)
YohOP13mo ago
True, so if i wanted to create a game similar to pokemon GO so like AR RPG Idle game C# would be the move?
cap5lut13mo ago
the other 2 - in dotnet ecosystem - mostly know game engines are godot and monogame. check if their licences and functionality fit for what u have in mind. c# is a good language for mostly everything, u can write high perfomance computational stuff, up to graphics integration and network servers and more but i cant tell u that C# is what u need, i cant even tell ya that one language will be the move. use the right tool for the right tool. and only u can make that decision especially the AR component im not too sure about game engines besides unity
YohOP13mo ago
Shit, that makes it harder since i am like total newbie. I want to learn but one thing i would need is a direction on what to learn exactly idk if you know what i mean Not like spoonfeeding or directing each step by hand but like general direction/language that would take me closer to the goal which is the game
cap5lut13mo ago
with MonoGame u are basically on ur own as its a game framework, not an engine. Godot has qualities, but in the mobile field they are still a bit lacking iirc Unity has the license stuff going, but if their license fits they are really big in the mobile games industry (aside from pc/console games) as a total beginner regarding programming at all, i would say C# can fit as u can do a lot from high performance lowlevel stuff to highly engineered server systems and GUI stuff and all that platform independent
YohOP13mo ago
I see, okay well then you decided my fate xD Thank you, I'll go now search good tutorials for C# Appreciate the response really ❤️
cap5lut13mo ago
especially mobile games and alike are often written in multiple languages and cuz u mentioned idle games u basically need a web server where asp.net core shines really well and dont make the mistake to learn directly for game dev. learn the normal stuff and then the game dev quirks (the game dev quirks depend on the game engine/framework, the rest is general knowledge)
YohOP13mo ago
That is mystery to me but i guess in some time i'll be able to understand what u mean by that 😄
YohOP13mo ago
all noted, thank you
cap5lut13mo ago
simple example: ur game on the mobile phone needs to render some 3D model and may has to do some other expensive work on top of that it has to communicate with a server the server has to deal with a lot of communication stuff, but will never ever render a 3D model to a screen right? so u might end up writing in a different language on the client side than on the server side (if possible u want to avoid that ofc, but its possible)
YohOP13mo ago
I see, the main goal is that some mechanics of the game would be IDLE and AR would be an addition in certain events in the app. Most of the stuff would happen in game client But that's faaaaar until i will be able to create something like this
cap5lut13mo ago
well, its hard to give concrete help. learn the fundamental stuff or hire someone or something like that to help u realize ur ideas learning one language and sticking to it do grasp how computers work is a good thing c# will ofc be a good language for that, but if it will fit ur game development end goal cant be said right now but conceptual it will help
YohOP13mo ago
Yeah one thing i heard is that after you learn/understand one language the rest comes fairly easier

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