Simulate Zone field in load balancer monitor
I am setting up the authentication origin pulls and found online that i need to fill in the "Simulator Zone" field in my loadbalancer for it to send the SSL certificate.
Am i support to put the ZoneID that i find at the overview in this field? Or do i need to put something else in there.
Filling in the ZoneID i copied from the overview of this domain i get the error:
6 Replies
calling the URL myself through does give me a 200 OK
It's purely the monitor that is currently failing the requests
The zone id here gives me the error.

Zones are what they call anything under "Websites", which for free/pro websites is always going to be a domain name. I believe you just need to input your zone's name (ex: if your website is, input
Ahha! Finaly haha, it accepted the domain name as an input.
Coulnd't find that anywhere in the documentation
yea it's a bit vague, relies on you understanding what a zone is