mfad16mo ago

Long coat shoulder falls under my shoulder

Hi, There's a long coat my dad no longer wears where the shoulders are too big in that they fall below my actual shoulders. Is this a fixable problem? Could it be shoulder pads causing this that could be removed? Thank you!
20 Replies
Talbot16mo ago
You're a young guy, no? I say hold onto it and wait until you fill it out. Altering it to fit you right now will likely be very expensive
BenjiOP16mo ago
Yah I'm 22 but it's not like I'll be growing more
notaway16mo ago
You're going to continue growing. It'll be out instead of up, but that's still growing. We all do it
BenjiOP16mo ago
That's prob true lol
Talbot16mo ago
Lifting weights will also change how coats fit
gimp16mo ago
Post photo 33 and not yet, so no thank you. People have been telling me this same shit for 10+ years but there's no inevitability to it. Every year it's "well you're still young yet," it's pretty grating that people just assume we all have to grow sideays.
notaway16mo ago
I’m not saying you’ll grow in ways you don’t like, but I started working out in my mid 20s and gained 45 lbs and couldn’t be happier I’m mostly pushing back on the idea that once you hit your adult height your body will stay constant
Talbot16mo ago
Oh yeah, no. In the span of 20 years I've gone from 125lbs wet to 185lbs And it's more muscle than fat (I hope)
bishopcorrigan16mo ago
Yeah post photo, really depends on the coat and how far off the fit is
BenjiOP16mo ago
No description
BenjiOP16mo ago
Here's a front pic
BenjiOP16mo ago
No description
BenjiOP16mo ago
No description
BenjiOP16mo ago
And there's side and back Also is this a balmacaan or traditional overcoat?
Nayyyyy16mo ago
traditional overcoat it has shoulder padding balmacaans don't and have soft raglan shoulders
BenjiOP16mo ago
do you think the shoulders could fit if the padding is removed?
notaway16mo ago
I'm not convinced that what is preventing it from looking good is shoulder padding. Removing the padding would soften the shoulder, but it would still be traditional, not raglan. I think you're better off holding it unaltered for a while and coming back later to see if it works then.
bishopcorrigan16mo ago
Removing shoulder padding rarely works out
Nayyyyy16mo ago
Removing shoulders is expensive and often comes out wrong. Not worth it. Return or resell
BenjiOP16mo ago
it's a hand me down so it'll prob just be donated

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