New Agent : Shino
(E Ability) Infiltrate | 1
Pressing E throws a log, giving you a 2.5-second window to activate it or not. If activated, by pressing E again, to manually flash enemies looking at the log, while dropping a smoke to reappear where the log was. If not activated, the log automatically blinds and disappears, allowing you to peek while enemies are distracted. The log can be destroyed and has 100 hp (same as a Reyna’s Leer/Blind).
(Q Ability) Implosive Tag | 1
Equip a kunai that has a transmogrified paper tied to it. Throwing it would implode on surface impact, rapidly pulling in anyone nearby, and if anyone reaches the kunai itself will get a brief FRAGILE to anyone touching it. The radius distance is the same as a sinkhole.
(C ability) Light-Foot | 2-Signature Ability
Activate Light-Foot with holding A or D near a wall, letting the user to swiftly sprint on the wall upwards, you can either drop after or press propel further off the wall. Get two kills to regain another Light-Foot.
(Ultimate Ability) Shinobi Tactics
Unlock your full potential as an elite shinobi, activating a temporary camouflage for the user (a grayish red outline will appear on the player for enemies) and unlock the ability to master stealth-allowing you to run, jump, reload, or equip/switch a gun without making noise.
Other Background lore: A Korean Ninja agent that now resides in Japan as head ninja leader. Has expertise in espionage, infiltration, and assassination. His real name is Haruki Kim.

17 Replies
That's actually cool
The art is cool but weird
like its a cool concept, but too much detail for valorant
So basically he supposed to be Korean but his parents (who lived somewhere in Japan) had to leave him in a fire because a Radianite explosion. Minutes later, a hurry of soldiers, including the Japanese Commander was there at the scene. The baby was rescued and raised to be the Commanders kid. Shino was taught specifically in the stealth division, aka the Shinobi Clan. Shino was an only child and grew independent. He as well practices meditating and goes to Monks to meditate in their garden. The Monks gave him necklaces as a show of appreciation and a gift (as seen on his neck). One of the Monks say that he should meet a special person named Sage (a canon agent) who once visited there who taught them many special things who could teach Shino as well. Shino indeed does this, he was taught but in the process was found as a very good candidate for an agent, and in doing so-he joined the Valorant Protocol.
the coat isnt his, its the commanders and was a last goodbye gift to Shino before he departed off Japan
@リアム @InfintyTails
want to know what would be cool?
bro it would be amazing if riot had employees comb through the valorant discord and find all of the agent ideas, and turn them into real agents
we would have like 300 to choose from
honestly, i was literally thinking about that rn
we need that to happen
I feel like I am just gaining consciousness
too many coincidences have been happening and its getting suspicious
we are in the matrix
The concept looks cool wanna work together ?
Sure thing^^
Nice concept...
is it bad 😭
Nice concept but not for valorant
is this the suggestion channel bud
no why?
Hell no