C#8mo ago

Generic XML Node to Class

Hello, I need to interface with WSUS (using dotnet 8) using ApiRemoting (SOAP), in some functions, it returns a List<Object> (it's intended afaik in the WSDL file). Is there a way to deserialize the generic type to a specific one without resorting to manual casting and enumerating one by one the list ? (with reflection for exemple) exemple from the wsdl : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-wsusar/c162f3b0-61bb-4134-815c-f089962f2e30 Thanks in advance ! 🙂
[MS-WSUSAR]: Search for a Client Computer
This example demonstrates how to search for a client computer named WSUSAR-CL1.example.com by using the ExecuteSPSearchComputers (section
5 Replies
boiled goose
boiled goose8mo ago
if you have a wsdl you can directly generate a client with visual studio
uknys8mo ago
It's already generated using dotnet-svcutil, but still doesn't help the GenericReadableRow (which in the end is a List<Object>) which I need to manually unmarshall sadly
boiled goose
boiled goose8mo ago
so it's a useless wsdl 😐 how many types do you have to deserialize
uknys8mo ago
around 10 found a way :
internal static class MyExtensions
internal static T Cast<T>(this GenericReadableRow r) where T : new()
var result = new T();

foreach (var prop in typeof(T).GetProperties())
if (prop.GetCustomAttribute<ValueAttribute>() is ValueAttribute attr)
prop.SetValue(result, r.Values[attr.Index]);

return result;
internal static class MyExtensions
internal static T Cast<T>(this GenericReadableRow r) where T : new()
var result = new T();

foreach (var prop in typeof(T).GetProperties())
if (prop.GetCustomAttribute<ValueAttribute>() is ValueAttribute attr)
prop.SetValue(result, r.Values[attr.Index]);

return result;
I have still a GenericReadableRow, but I can cast it dynamicaly using attributes to make it "generic"
boiled goose
boiled goose7mo ago
i would move the logic into a mapper class or inside a static Create method of the type itself so that there is more error checking and explicitness
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