C#14mo ago

Need authentication from MVC to WebAPI

Hi all, Can someone point me in the right direction here. I want to do something simple. I want to spin up a new .netcore8 solution. I'm going to have 2 stand-alone projects. A MVC and a WebAPI project. When deployed, both of these will be running in their own IIS instances. I need to authorize the MVC app to talk to the WebAPI app. No identity server. No 3rd party stuff. (eg no Okta/AD or anything else) This is going to be super simple, and a POC. I'm going to store the creds in each appSettings file.
Can someone point me in the right direction on either: a)A sample solution template or b)Which nuget packages do I need to install/explore? All my google searches are way to complicated for what I want to do. Thanks!
4 Replies
Pobiega14mo ago
Simplest solution sounds like just adding a global action filter that checks for a pre-determined header value, like a singular API key
bwcaOP14mo ago
That's what I did. After posting this question, and doing some searching on this channel, it pointed me in the right direction. Thanks for confirming!
bwcaOP14mo ago
For completeness, in case anyone else is interested, I found this gem. (no idea who this is, but, it worked great) https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2Proxy/blob/7a5b321f2a9403188f74f78ed9b9b72f7de565f1/L2Proxy/Auth/ApiKeyAttribute.cs
L2Proxy/L2Proxy/Auth/ApiKeyAttribute.cs at 7a5b321f2a9403188f74f78e...
A simple MITM Proxy for Lineage 2. Contribute to Elfocrash/L2Proxy development by creating an account on GitHub.
bwcaOP14mo ago
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)] public class ApiKeyAttribute : Attribute, IAsyncActionFilter { private const string APIKEYNAME = "ApiKey"; public async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next) { if (!context.HttpContext.Request.Headers.TryGetValue("x-api-key", out var extractedApiKey)) { context.Result = new ContentResult() { StatusCode = 401, Content = "Invalid API key" }; return; } var appSettings = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration>(); var apiKey = appSettings.GetValue<string>("ApiSettings:ApiKey"); if (!apiKey.Equals(extractedApiKey)) { context.Result = new ContentResult() { StatusCode = 401, Content = "Invalid API key" }; return; } await next(); } }

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