C#8mo ago

just begun learning ASP.NET Core MVC and am looking for any good material to help me

i am very new to ASP.Net so am just looking for some beginner friendly resources to begin properly learning ASP.Net core MVC
6 Replies
joren8mo ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8nLSsK5NDo&list=PL82C6-O4XrHdiS10BLh23x71ve9mQCln0 its decent to get you started, he does provide some incorrect information though, and he doesnt seem to know that much about it but he does help you setup a first project, step through a lot of important things helps you get started so I'd start with that, if video's are the best way for you to learn
Sk8mo ago
isnt that about web apis tho?
joren8mo ago
oh, shit I misread, yes it is. the MVC part in your message threw me off, as that stands for Model Controller View which is used in ASP.net Web Api's
Sk8mo ago
im confused ,i thought web apis & "ASP.NET Core MVC" were two different things or is web apis apart of asp.net core MVC
i like chatgpt
i like chatgpt8mo ago
In my understanding the following projects have the same framework which is Asp.net Core. - Asp.Net Core MVC (for creating websites where HTML is rendered on the server) - Asp.Net Core Razor Pages (for creating websites where HTML is rendered on the server, it is now recommended by Microsoft for developing new websites with HTML rendered on the server) - Asp.Net Core Blazor (for creating SPA websites) - Asp.Net Core Web Api with controllers (for creating Web Api that can be consumed by mobile phones, websites, etc) - Asp.Net Core Minimal Api (for creating Web Api that can be consumed by mobile phone, websites, etc) The back bone for all of these projects is Asp.Net Core. It provides middleware, dependency injection, etc. I recommend you learn either one - Asp.Net Core Blazor only if your projects don't heavily depend on other 3rd party javascript libraries. - Asp.Net Core Minimal Api and Angular if your projects depend heavily on other 3rd party javascript libraries that do huge amount of DOM manipulations (for example MathJax). Basically Asp.Net Core MVC is the combination of Asp.Net Core Web Api with controllers and View. Or with different angle, Asp.Net Core Web Api with controller is Asp.Net Core MVC without View. View represents HTML rendered on the server side.
i like chatgpt
i like chatgpt8mo ago
If you are still interested in learning MVC, here is another short tutorial: https://recaffeinate.co/book/ (very old version of MVC).
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