Working on it as we speak 🙂 (

Working on it as we speak 🙂 ( not quite ready for release yet but getting there. 🙂 Hoping to do an initial pre-release in the next few weeks, or early next year.
17 Replies
huw15mo ago
(Just FYI I have an open PR to mute the ‘recursive isolate lock’ warning—it’s absolutely safe to ignore)
Add took recursive isolate lock warning to workerd output excepti...
This PR adapts the code in #4341 to resolve cloudflare/workerd#706 (or, at least, it suppresses the warnings from it). @kentonv says the took recursive isolate lock warning doesn’t represent any ac...
Danny Zhao
Danny Zhao15mo ago
Hello! Hope it's the right place to ask the question. I'm trying to build a Rust wrapper for workerd. Do you have any suggestions? I want to know if workerd can worked by ffi link.
zegevlier15mo ago
What are you hopeing for the wrapper to do? You might be better off emulating what miniflare does, starting a sub process running workerd.
Danny Zhao
Danny Zhao15mo ago
I want to build a worker test framework that can purely written in rust.
Unknown User
Unknown User15mo ago
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Adam15mo ago
We are actively looking into this. Here is the relevant GitHub issue link:
🐛 BUG: workerd inspector process doesn't die · Issue #4612 · cloudf...
Which Cloudflare product(s) does this pertain to? Workers Runtime What version(s) of the tool(s) are you using? 3.21.0 What version of Node are you using? 18.17.1 What operating system are you usin...
Unknown User
Unknown User15mo ago
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MrBBotOP15mo ago
pkill -KILL workerd is your friend for the time being 🙂
Rahul15mo ago
Hi everyone, I'm trying to understand how Cloudflare Workers supports Node.js APIs like path, fs, and util in its runtime. I came across the NodeJsModuleContext::require( function in the code, but I'm not sure where it gets the files for these APIs or if it's using something specific to Node.js. I'd appreciate it if someone could explain: How are Node.js APIs like path, fs, and util implemented in Cloudflare Workers? Where does the NodeJsModuleContext::require function find the files for these APIs? Thank you in advance for your help!
workerd/src/workerd/jsg/modules.c++ at f70094898726950428b959903e50...
The JavaScript / Wasm runtime that powers Cloudflare Workers - cloudflare/workerd
AngusMa15mo ago
Every time I stop my local server, the process in the Terminal ends normally, but if I take a look at Activity Monitor on MacOS, there will be a running app called ‘workerd’ and cost much CPU usage. I have to kill it by Activity Monitor. If I start and stop a local server many times, there will be many workerds, all of them will cost much resources. Is it a bug or there are some important settings I missed?
Luke15mo ago
Hi everyone, hope your holidays are going well! I'm building a worker that uses O2O to Shopify and I'm curious how I can debug this locally. I use fetch(request) which forwards the request on to the origin (Shopify) but locally it it won't know where the origin is. If I overwrite the url to fetch from Shopify it will hit my worker in production. How are others working around this w/ O2O?
moody 💭
moody 💭15mo ago
cc this channel about says in local development, timers increment normally but the performance console in the browser doesn't work 😦
kian15mo ago
I don’t think that has anything to do with the timers, Wrangler just doesn’t show you anything other than a whole program CPU time.
moody 💭
moody 💭15mo ago
this blog post from a while ago uses the profiler though, so it seems like a bug in my version of wrangler
kian15mo ago
That's from a long time ago, before Wrangler moved to version 3 and using the open-source Workers runtime. There's an open issue by @Adam which tracks your issue: Well, if "no details provided" is about there being no attribution of CPU time to the individual functions.

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