Launched: Metadata filtering
Hi folks, it's a fun day because metadata filtering is now available with Vectorize! Check out the docs here, Happy building and please share any feedback or issues!
Metadata filtering · Vectorize
In addition to providing an input vector to your query, you can also filter by vector metadata associated with every vector. Query results only …
8 Replies
Unknown User•16mo ago
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That's really nice! Would love to see other operators are coming (gt/gte, lt/let)
Operators: $eq (equals), $ne (not equals)Do you have a plan to support array here as well?
filter object non-nested values can be string, number, boolean, or null valuesIt probably means to support
and $nin
in the futureAre you using these operators/functionality elsewhere at the moment?
yes, when metadata filter is
then having >, >=, <, <=
is really nice (like price range buckets or metrics histogram buckets)Epic epic epic
I’m currently using a D1 table to manage access to my vectors (in (vectorId, userId) pairs), but I think I can migrate this over by using a userId key on my vector metadata. I’ll let y’all know how I go.
assume namespace filtering reduces search space. does this apply to metadata filtering?
be nice to have docs on namesapce vs metadata filter. fomer addresses probability of a hot partition, latter does general filtering?
namespace filtering is applied before any metadata filters. thanks for docs feedback, working to address those gaps