C#16mo ago

Minimum Required Knowledge before I am job ready.

Hello guys, I want to know this info from someone that has work experience. What is minimum required knowledge to have before applying for Junior .NET roles. I am currently learning .NET MVC, with Bhrugen Patel on Udemy. I will be done soon and I want to know if I need to learn more things before I can be job ready.
5 Replies
Saber16mo ago
You aren't going to find any useful answer on this. In the end the minimum knowledge required is whatever it takes to get a job
ophura16mo ago
yeah, the least amount of skills needed are always listed on the job offer anyway...
gwon8266OP16mo ago
Okay, Thank you very much for the insight.
Bailey16mo ago
I also have this course but I found it recomendable to go through multiple courses. e.g. I also have courses from "Web University by Harsha Vardhan". with these courses I learned a lot more. You get a lot of the same with a different explenation. another thing you can do is not only follow the course but create you're own project and see how far you get and finish it). With you're own project (different from the course) you can check what you know another part is widen youre knowledge. e.g. you only know c#. then if a job offer is there, it's limited. If you go c# + Angular or React etc. then you got a pre on others who only know c# This only helps, it's not a garantee. The following questions almost come every interview: - Solid Principles ==> explain - Dependancy Injection - Cleancode - CQRS structure
gwon8266OP16mo ago
Thank you very much

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