Help with Multithreading
Hi, I'm currently trying to simulate an elevator system. Since this is a system of elevators that work in parallel, I found that multithreading might be the best fit for it. I'm very new to multithreading in C# and this bit of code gives me an OutOfBound Exception.
Context: so currently I have an elevator systems of n elevators, and each elevators has its own Move method where it would operate the elevators independently. Currently I want to assign each elevator to a thread to run alongside with my main thread. So I have the idea of using an array of threads with the same size as the elevators array in the system. Here I thought when assigning each elevators to each threads would be as simple as using a for loop.
However, after assign a new thread to each threads, I try to start each thread sperately and keep getting an OutOfBound Exception. During debugging, the assigning bit was fine and all. The main problem was starting the very first thread in the thread array. It keeps saying that i = 4, and the elevators array index was only up to 3.
But the thing is I don't understand how i could be 4? Or if i even exists out of the first for loop scope?
I have absolutely no clue at this point because it seems like it was using i as a reference and not a value?

19 Replies
I can of course create each threads manually, but I'm trying to generalise this for case with any amounts of elevators. I would appreciate any other idea recommendations as well.
Hi, I think it's because i = 4 after the for loop is done. Besides, inside of each ThreadStart you have a reference to i, which the first thread is going to use and, because i is 4, then you get the exception you saw. You would have to rewrite your code inside of ThreadStart to not depend on i
Maybe I'm wrong, as I don't have enough information besides your code snippet, but I guess it has something to do with i
Jorge Morales is correct, u would have to use an in-loop extra variable so it captures correctly
because the
is inside the loop, there exist a different variable for each iteration.
exists outside of the iteration but only for the scope of the loop, so with the original code it would capture the very same variable each time.
(as a side note: u do not need to call new ThreadStart()
, the lambda u pass to that constructor can also be directly be translated to the ThreadStart
delegate by the compiler)
u can observe this if u run this simple program a couple of times
u will see some output like
where i
will be completely random each time and elevatorId
will always be 0, 1, 2 and 3 (note that this can possibly be in another order as well, but it will be always this set of numbers)hmm I get a hint that it was using i as a reference too. Although may I ask why is this the case? It's so weird to see a value type be passed by reference even though I didn't specifically ask it to pass by ref
also thank you so much for the fix
For the elevatorindex, that was actually a really nice way to get over the pass by reference bit.
Also did not know I could avoid constructing a new ThreadStart every iteration.
its not used as ref, the compiler transforms the code quite a lot if u look at the lowered C# code:
the names are weird and not allowed in C# to avoid naming collisions, i marked all relevant code to capturing
with // here
and the capture of elevatorId
with // also here
basically, i
doesnt exist anymore, <>c__DisplayClass0_.i
is the new i
is shared by all threads and its a question when they actually print which state the i
member has, which is a race condition.
is the capured elevatorId
, each thread has its own instance of this, thus there is no race condition
well, as u can see in the lowered code, new ThreadStart()
will still be there, its just less boilerplate code for u to write, the compiler does generates that for u.
in the lowered code u can also observe, that there isnt any lambda expression anymore, they simply dont exist when compiled, the compiler generates a class with a method for it
so for example for this code
the compiler generates something like
hmmm I see, so the real reason was because of a race condition that was bound to happen, if I maybe did something like making the main thread sleep for a bit after assign a new thread to the threads array, can this avoid the race condition potentially happening?
yes and no, basically u have to sleep until the thread executes and uses the variable.
eg, this code would print for all threads that
is 4
hmmm I see
wow timing is really a headaching thing with multithreading
thats why u do that local copy of
to have a different captureyeah, seems like that's the best way there is
I have also heard of a locking mechanism? Though I do wonder if that helps with anything here
basically as soon as multiple threads access the same state u have to be really careful
if the thread's lambda would be
it could totally print 2 different values for
locking doesnt help help here, locking is simply to protect from simultaneous accessoh right, because the loop keeps iterating
ok wow, now this makes me worry since my system actually has one more logic where I would need to calculate the algorithm (possibly in the main thread) for choosing a destination floor while the elevator is moving.
alright, thank you so much for the help. I think I'll go read more on this topic
locks are used for something like this:
(ignore the semaphore, i just use that so that the threads start executing their
loops at the exact same time)
so basically each thread increments the counter
1000 times by one,
u would assume that the counter
is afterwards 10000 right?
and thats a problem, because it most is something below 10000
(just ran it myself, and i got 7840 as result)
that is because counter++
isnt an atomic operation, but actually 3 operations and thus is not thread safe
consists of 3 operations
1) read the value of counter
2) increment the value by 1
3) write the value back to counter
so if 2 threads read the value at the same time and they get back 0 as value, they will write back 1 as value
and lets just hope the other threads didnt already raise the counter to 2 or so.
this is where locking comes into play, to make it thread safe, u have to make sure only one thread at a time can read, increment and then write counter value
this would always print 10000
the lock (_lockObject)
lets a thread aquire the lock, if no other thread has the lock already.
if another thread has already aquired the lock, the thread that wants the lock is in a suspended state, meaning it pauses execution until it can get the lock
(if multiple threads are waiting, its undefined which thread will get the lock next)
but for more about this u should read the documentation ;pManaged Threading Basics - .NET
See links to other managed threading articles, covering topics such as exceptions, synchronizing data, foreground & background threads, local storage, and more.
ok wow, thank you so much
I'll read the document first and probably go back to the example you gave, all I understand as of now is there might be multiple threads that read and write the value of counter at the same time, which is why we did not get 10000 as a result.
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